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          I felt right in everything that had gone on back at that house. The moment felt like I emerged from darkness to the light, and I felt like not everything was as bad as I thought it would be anymore.

Evan was not happy with me, I knew this because he fell asleep instantly once the car started moving and didn't wake up until we were on the side of the road about to call Mark.

Ari came walking up to me as I slowly walked along the side of the road back and forth. I was thinking there wasn't much else to do. Evan sprawled out in the back seat as Kenny sat on the phone.

"He's not going to stay mad at you." She offered as if I didn't know this.

"I'm not really worried to much about it." I said with a shrug. Ari lit a cigarette blowing smoke out of her mouth in a huff. She studied the side of my face.

"I'm not on the up and up about everything going on I know that. But is there anything you want to talk about?"

"No, I could be some sort of freak of nature what is there to talk about?" I said giving Ari a look of disgust.

"Ok, well that sounds like a lot to talk about." She said scratching her arm.

"I don't get it; I don't know what it even means." I said running my hand through my hair. "I'm angry and I am confused. I just want some sense of normal for even a minute." I said throwing my hands up looking at Ari for some words to make me feel better.

"Being with him is never going to be easy, I thought you knew that?" She asked.

"I do know that, gee I'm sorry Ari I'm not you." I snapped.

"What's that mean?" She asked taking a long drag from her cigarette as her eyes stared into my soul waiting for an answer.

"I don't have a crutch like you." I said low. I wasn't afraid of Ari, and I really didn't care enough about hurting her feelings to bite my tongue now.

She nodded slowly biting her bottom lip as she stared at me.

"You really are mean sometimes you know that?" She asked looking as if she was near tears.

"I know that." I said.

"Kenny thinks the world of you now; I myself try my best not to get worried about how much he cares for you." She said rolling the cigarette between her fingers watching it very carefully. "It's obvious to all of us that there is something very big going on between yourself and what you and Evan have."

"If it's so obvious then why do you feel the need to bring it up to me?" I asked.

"Because the only one who seems to not give a damn is you, Yeah you may be the reason that we are all safe but your acting like you don't even care what this could mean." She turned to leave.

"Wait a second, don't try and act like I owe you anything or them I don't owe anyone anything. I didn't choose to be this way so for all I know it could all be you guys carelessly hoping for whatever it is you got in your minds." I said Ari stopped heading to the car her hands on her hips, typical chick behavior when they were defensive.

"Oh ok, well I am glad you think you have it all figured out Eve. If you want to be with Evan you should care more about him." She hurled the words at me as if she were hoping they would physically damage me.

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now