Flip of coin

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Shock is as an unexpected, intense, distressing experience that has a sudden and powerful effect on somebody's emotions or physical reactions. Yeah that was a way to explain it but when you really go through shock, those words don't even begin to describe it.

Shock the feeling of every single bad thing that ever happened in your life happening again all at the same time, the worst thing that could happen to you being replayed in your mind every single day for the rest of your life. Or maybe being held underwater and losing all air but never dying just suffocating for an eternity, those were instances that came very close to what shock was like.

I came to I was surprised I hadn't died from that lovely gift we called shock. But I didn't I came to because I knew I wouldn't of been lucky enough to find a Grim on his way to kill me at that moment.

I was awake and aware and lying on the couch an ice pack on top of my head doing nothing but making me cold. I seen no one but Evan, and he sat at the end of my feet staring at me as if I were an alien. As if he wasn't sure what I was, I tried sitting up.

"Just keep still I think you may have a concussion." He said short with me.

"If I'm going to lay here don't treat me like some stranger!" I yelled tears popping out; I wasn't even bothered by them. I was too overwhelmed to care anymore of what I looked like to Evan.

"I'm not treating you like a stranger; you hit your head hard I'm trying to keep you healthy." He said staying where he was as I cried.

"Since when don't you comfort me?" I said hardly able to breathe through the tear fest. Evan sighed coming to sit on the floor next to me.

"I'm sorry I'm just blown away." He admitted smoothing my hair and wiping my face.

"Are you upset with me?" I asked.

"No, I mean you could have told me this a long time ago. But no it's not your fault." He said sighing.

"I know, I always think I am doing the right thing and then it blows up in my face."

"He's lucky he made it out of here alive." He said staring at me. I looked at him and could feel the intense anger that radiated from his body. I wondered how Kenny did get out.

"I guess now would be the time to tell you what else I have found out." I said, Evan carefully listened his body moving closer as I spoke.

"When I fell it all came like a floodgate opening, and honestly I am scared Evan." I said blinking more tears falling, my hair stuck to the side of my face.

"What did you see tell me everything, every detail." He ordered me not caring how upset it made me.

"There was a lot of blood, screaming Kenny was choking someone. Or what seemed like him but someone was definitely being choked." I said. "It was such a crazy feeling and moment."

Evan seemed worse as he listened, I could tell none of this was good.

"He was kissing me, and I remember him saying 'it's right'." I closed my eyes not to look at Evan's reaction. I didn't want to see it at all.

"Do you think him and me?" I said not able to even spit the words out.

Evan stood up crossing the room; I sat up watching to make sure he wasn't taking off. I didn't know what to expect out of him. The thought of someone you loved being a part of something he or she had no control over. I imagined it would be terrible to know you had no control over it. It was a feeling I had felt before myself.

"It doesn't matter." He said looking away from me.

"Of course it does, what do you mean?" I asked alarmed. "What could happen if we did Evan?"

"You need to not worry about those kind of things, I doubt it happened Eve." He insisted barely there.

"I don't know what to think, what if it did and I don't even know it?" I said feeling the tears starting back up again. I felt disgusting and confused, I wanted to be mad at Kenny but I couldn't even do that in the moment.

Evan grabbed my arm squeezing it tightly pulling me close and looking at me with intense eyes.

"You need to stop thinking any of this was your fault. It's not, we need to just find a way through." He said.

"Ok. But you're not answering me."

"Because I don't want to make you paranoid, if it is what we think yes it's bad, but who's to say it is?" He looked at me trying to his hardest to act as if he had it together.

"Honest Evan?" I asked him touching his hand.

"I'm being honest Eve." He said low.

I guessed the only thing I could do was to believe him, I wasn't a pro at any of this so to think anything else I just couldn't. Maybe Evan was panicking on the inside but he was holding it together on the outside.

"Stop thinking crazy thoughts in that head of yours." He said running his hand through my hair a smile creeping across his face. His eyes didn't match his expression.

"It's kind of hard to stay sane anymore." I said with a shrug resting my head against him.

"But you know something?" He said into my ear.

"What is that?"

"It doesn't matter any rules, or anybody you and me we call the shots." With that, he kissed my cheek. I felt his belief in what he said running through his whole body. He wasn't willing to give in, and this was the one honest thing he had said in the moment.

"So what we go against all that is life and decide what happens?" I asked half laughing.

"Absolutely, when I met you that was what you were all about why change now?" He said.

"Well of course I still feel that way about most. I guess I could feel that way about this if you want me too."

"I think it's the best thing to do, especially you." He said.

"And why is that?" I asked curious at that statement.

"Because you seem to almost will yourself to believe what you want sometimes." He said. We both laughed, we knew it was a morbid thing to do but someone had to laugh.

Who wanted to cry?

Scattered and Broken, Book 3 of Wingless SeriesWhere stories live. Discover now