Thor (Infinity War) 1

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Thor (Infinity War) 1




Imagine popping into the Marvel Universe moments after Thanos snaps his fingers, and when I mean pop I mean pop.

That was it Thor had failed to kill Thanos, and his friends and thousands upon thousands of others were dead; turned to ash

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That was it Thor had failed to kill Thanos, and his friends and thousands upon thousands of others were dead; turned to ash. This was the moment Thor was truly crushed, how could he fail everyone? He fell to his knees feeling truly defeated, but he was pulled out of his dark thoughts the moment he heard a woman scream. Looking to the sky where the scream had come from he seen a woman falling from the sky, and fast. As quickly as he could he flew forward wielding Stormbreaker, but he failed again; and watched as her back slammed into a large tree branch making a loud crack (Thor wasn't sure if it was the tree branch or if it was her back). He had been able however to catch her before she hit the ground, the woman let out a faint groan then passed out in Thor's arms. "Captain I could use some help here, shes might be injured badly." Thor called out walking over to his old friend, who stood there a broken look upon his face. "Please my friend." Thor told him grasping the woman's smaller body closer, Steve gave a small nod and helped the Asgardion King.

~~~A Few Days Later~~~

Thor sat beside the mysterious woman, who still lay in the hospital bed unconscious. He hadn't left her side, and he wasn't going to at least until after she woke and he knew she was okay. He felt like it was his responsibility to make sure she was safe, not to mention she was rather beautiful; and Thor had felt rather drawn to her.

~~~Your Point Of View~~~

Groggily I opened my eyes the continuous sound of peeping rang in my left ear, giving me an idea as to where I was. With a groan I opened my eyes further and slowly tried sitting up, only for someone to assist me. "You're awake, how are you feeling?" A deep voice rasped from my right. "Like I just lost a fight with a titan." I coughed a moment after my throat feeling like the hot sands of Egypt. "Here drink." I took the plastic cup of water from the mans hand, happily drinking the entirety of the cool water. "Thank yo--" I froze looking to the man that had been helping me. "Chris?" I asked cocking my head in confusion. "Who is Chris?" The large man asked confusion written on his face. "Hemsworth." I stated taking note of his attire. "I don't know who that is." He stated with a small shake of his head. "Right.... So you're Thor then, right?" The man smiled a small chuckle escaping his throat. "At your service my fair lady." I cocked an eyebrow. "Right... Well my names (Y/n)." I blushed faintly at the smile he gave me. "It's a pleasure to meet you Lady (Y/n)." He told me kissing the back of my hand, making me blush deeper. 


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