Severus Snape (Harry Potter) 1

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Severus Snape (Harry Potter) 1
962 Words.


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*There's a little smut at the end!--------

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*There's a little smut at the end!

"Alright Mr." (Y/n) huffed at her husband who was making his way out of their shared room. "Where did all my panties go?" She asked crossing her arms over her chest. Snape turned to his wife suppressing a smile. "No idea." He hummed in an innocent voice. "Lies!" She exclaimed trying not to laugh. "I really must be going." Snape smirked closing the door behind him. "Fine you wanna play I'll play." (Y/n) hummed around a devious smirk on her face.

---At breakfast---

"That's incredibly fascinating Professor Lockhart." (Y/n) sighed in a dreamy way, knowing Snape was watching them talk. "Please call me Gilderoy." The blond smiled shooting me a quick wink, I faked a giggle wanting to vomit. "So tell me more about your wondrous adventures, I just love the way you talk about it." I smiled taking a quick sip of my drink, trying not to roll my eyes. "Well alright." He chuckled trying, and failing to be smooth. "Excuse me Professor (Y/l/n) I have a word." Snape intruded. "Oh why yes. Give me just a moment Gilderoy." I smiled in a flirtatious way, following Snape to an empty hall. "What is it?" I hummed at my husband, whom glared at me. "You know what." He growled. "No I don't. In fact I have no idea." I faked ignorance. "(Y/n)." He warned. "I really must be going." I smiled before leaving for the Great Hall.

---A few hours later---

"Thank you Professor (Y/l/n)." Smiled Lockhart handing me his cloak. "You're welcome Gilderoy." I smirked playfully, knowing Snape was watching us yet again. "Now let me introduce my assistant Professor Snape." Announced Lockhart to all the children gathered around the dueling stage. "He has sportingly agreed to help me with a short demonstration. Now I don't want any of you youngsters to worry you'll still have your potions master when I'm through with him, never fear." Lockhart winked at me the pressed on. Turning their backs Severus locked eyes on me a look of jealousy in his eyes. "One... Two... Three!" Called Lockhart a smug smile on his face. "Expelliarmus!" Called Snape sending Lockhart across the stage. "An excellent idea to show them that Professor Snape, but if you don't mind me saying. It was pretty obvious uh what you were about to do. And if I had wanted to stop you it would have only been to easy." Lockhart smirked trying to playoff his failure. "Then perhaps it would be prudent to first teach the students to block unfriendly spells Professor." Droned Snape making Lockhart look like a fool. "An excellent suggestion Professor Snape! Uh lets have a volunteer pair. Uh Potter Wesley how about you?" Lockhart questioned the two. "Wesley's wand causes deviation with even the simplest of spells, we'll be sending Potter to the hospital wing in a match box." Chimed Snape. "Might I suggest someone from my own house?" He added quickly after.

---That night---

"You naughty little girl." Growled Severus as he cornered me against my dresser in our room. "What ever do you mean my love?" I smiled innocently biting my bottom lip. "Don't play with me little girl. You have been very naughty, and you must be punished." He growled pulling up on the skirt of my robes. "Then punish me." I smirked hopping up to sit on the edge of my dresser. Severus growled in an predatory way that drove me wild, as he pulled me into a angry but passionate kiss. Grinding his clothed erection against my bare core, causing us to both moan. "You're mine." He growled against my lips grinding into me harder. "Yes!" I gasped out a fire igniting in my belly. "Say it!" He demanded pinning me against the wall with his body. "I'm yours!" I cried out desperate for him. "Don't forget that." He smirked undoing his pants. "Never." I whispered helping to free his erection. "I love you." He groaned as he entered my welcoming flower. "I love you too." I whispered breathlessly against his ear, holding him as close as I could. My words struck something in him as he began pounding into me relentlessly, making my eyes roll back. "Oh god Severus!" I gasped practically seeing stars. He grunted in my ear pulling me in even closer, as the dresser began banging into the wall. "Don't stop!" I cried out clawing at his clothed back. He slowed a little but made up for it by thrusting into me harder, finding my sweet spot. "Don't ever speak to that fool again!" He grunted grasping the back of my head, forcing me to look him in the eyes. "Do you understand?" He growled out his thrusts abusing my sweet spot. "YES!" I cried out nearing my end. "Say it." He demanded. "I'll never-" I cut myself off with a rather high pitched gasp. "Talk to him again!" I gasped out as he began rubbing my clit with his free hand. "I'm gonna!" I cried out my hips bucking involuntarily. "Cum for me." He groaned breathlessly, pushing me over the edge pulling him down with me as we fell into pure bliss. Panting I laughed joyfully making Severus smile down at me. "Hey where did you hide my panties?" I giggled having almost forgotten about it. "In a box in the back of the wardrobe." He laughed a little. "Why?" I smiled rolling my eyes playfully. "I thought it would be funny." He shrugged making me laugh. "Well was it?" I asked smiling up at him. "It was at first." He growled playfully, making me laugh truly happy that I get to call him mine.

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