Chris Pohl (Blutengel) Part 2 *SMUT*

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Chris Pohl (Blutengel) Part 2 *SMUT*




"So Father, do you think there is a place for me here in the church of Blutengel?" I asked the man before me. "Please call me Chris when we are alone." He smiled warmly making my heart skip a beat. "Alright then. Chris do you think there is a place for me here in the church of Blutengel?" I asked causing him to smirk. "I believe there is. You have been with us for two weeks now, and on several occasions I have witnessed first hand just how powerful you are. So I believe the best place for you here is by my side." He spoke clearly and smoothly while softly grasping my hands in his. "By your side?" I questioned arching an eyebrow. "Yes by my side. With someone as powerful as you by my side, and with someone of my power at yours we would be unstoppable." He smiled. "I had three men by my side of grater power than my own, and they were killed like some old dogs at the pound. What makes you so sure we would be unstoppable?" He seemed thoughtful for a moment then chuckled softly. "I could teach you everything I know, and you could teach me what you know. I could also turn you make you a child of blood and lust." I chuckled at the last part. "Darling I am the mother of lust." I smirked noticing the faint look of shock within his eyes. "But to be a vampire... Interesting... I want to bring them down, the ones who betrayed me. Give me that and I will give you what you desire." I spoke firmly while squeezing his hands lightly. "It will be done, but it will take time." I nodded knowing that full well. "Come then I shall make you my bride." I smiled standing from my chair and allowing him to walk me out of his office.

~~~One Week Later~~~

Walking down the aisle I held my head high and looked to the man before me, Chris the man I was to marry in mere minutes. My gown hugged me tightly but that wasn't what was making it hard for me to breath, he was making it hard for me to breath. I hadn't thought it possible for him to get anymore handsome and yet here I was forgetting how to breath at the mere sight of him.

 I hadn't thought it possible for him to get anymore handsome and yet here I was forgetting how to breath at the mere sight of him

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"You look delicious in red my dear." Chris commented as I stood next to him. "You look pretty yummy yourself." I smirked looking at him from the corner of my eye.

~~~After Wedding~~~

"You seemed a little nervous little bat." Chris whispered in my ear while walking me to our room. "I've never done that before." I chuckled. "I take it Ghost dose things differently?" He asked while pecking my cheek. "Vary differently." I smiled remembering the ritual. "Well I hope you will at lest enjoy what we have enstore." He chuckled while opening the large oak door to our room, the room was elegant and perfect. Without warning Chris picked me up catching me off guard and making me gasp, while several light bulbs in the room exploded; causing us both to laugh as he walked into the room. "While I love this dress on you, its got to go." Chris chuckled standing me on my feet. "Then remove it darling husband." I smiled turning my back to him allowing him to unlace the gown. "With pleasure." He whispered into my ear quickly getting to work. 

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