Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3) 1 (OOC)

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Vaas Montenegro (Far Cry 3) 1 (OOC)
*This one was a request and its for the most part a part two of this imagine. Which is from my first imagine book.


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"Sweet flower wake up" Vaas whispered brushing away some loose hair that lay across (Y/n)'s face. The sleepy woman groaned as her eyes fluttered open, meeting Vaas' piercing eyes. "Oh princesa my sweet sweet princesa." Vaas hummed gently creasing her soft face with his thumb. "Tell me princesa, what is your name?" Vaas stilled his hand to cup her cheek looking into her sparkling eyes. "(Y/n)." Vaas smiled "What a beautiful name, for a beautiful woman." Her cheeks flushed embarrassed that such a handsome man called her beautiful. Before she had the opportunity to ask Vaas what his name was her attention was drawn to the far corner of the room. Quickly the room faded away and a snow covered landscape filled her view, the cold air nipped at her skin. A broken siren can be heard in the distance, but the crunch of snow to (Y/n)'s right is what really frightened her. Slowly she turned her head an froze in fear upon seeing the strange humanoid creature.

It ducked back behind the tree it came out from and (Y/n) screamed in horror

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It ducked back behind the tree it came out from and (Y/n) screamed in horror. Panicking further when she felt arms wrap around her from behind, she began to flail about trying to break from what she assumed was the monsters grasp. "SOMEBODY HELP PLEASE SOMEBODY HELP ME!" She screamed and cried in her panicked state. Unaware that she was being restrained by Vaas, who had been watching her sit there unmoving only a moment ago. "Princesa calm down I've got you my sweet." Vaas tried to reason with her but to no avail. She screamed and threw her head back headbutting Vaas right in the nose. Almost slipping from his grasp Vaas pulled (Y/n) back onto the bed, were he hovered over her in an attempt to calm her. What he didn't know was that (Y/n) could only see the monster from before pinning her down. She screwed her eyes shut whimpering pitifully, the world got quite again and she was no longer cold but rather hot. "Mi amor I've got you, you're safe now mi amor." The soft whispers of the man from before filled the defining silence. And slowly (Y/n) opened her eyes, finding herself in the dimly lit room from before. Looking up she locked eyes with the man from before his nose was bloody but his eyes were soft. She cried jolting up to hug him close, while Vaas simply whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

Vaas didn't know exactly what had happened to (Y/n) and he didn't want to ask. Even then he was still able to comfort her when she needed it. And when she finally told him she suffers from severe visual and auditory hallucinations, Vaas finally understood why he was tasked with helping her. He knew deep down that she was his soulmate, but when she told him about her sickness he knew he was the only one that could help her.

*I am so so so fucking sorry this took me so long, and I apologize if it isn't what you had in mind. But regardless here it is.

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