Kenny McCormick (South Park) 1

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Kenny McCormick (South Park) 1




While humming to myself I drove my 2016 orange Nissan Rogue down the empty streets of South Park. "~I will fall and rise above and in your hate I find love. Cause I'm a survivor, yeah I am a fighter~" Cutting myself off I pulled to the side of the road in-front of the dilapidated green house, cutting off the engine I clipped my keys onto my belt loop and hopped out of my car. "I hope this is the right place." I mumbled to myself walking up to the front door, where I swiftly knocked on the door as I sighed nervously to myself. After a few minutes of waiting in the cold the door finally opened, a teen about the same age as me (17) opened the door. He wore an orange parka and most of his face was covered by its hood. "Hello um well I'm new to town and I've asked around wanting to know if there were any families in need around, and I was told to come here. I'm so sorry if this sounds incredibly rude, but I am hoping to help your family." Rubbing the back of my neck I nervously chuckled to myself. "Mph fhm mfm?" I cocked my head to the side confused. "I'm sorry what?" Pulling down his hood the blond teen smiled at me. "I asked, help us how?" I nodded finally understanding. "Oh well I work at a culinary arts school just outside of South Park, and well a lot of the food that gets made there goes to waist. So instead of throwing out perfectly good food I prefer to take it to homes in need, and this is where the towns folks have directed me to." He stood there silently a confused look on his face. "So you want to give us food?" He asked after a few moments of silence. "Yes exactly I've brought you and will keep bringing you food." I smiled pointing to my SUV. "What do you get out of this?" He asked seeming skeptical. "The knowledge that I've help someone rather than wasting that opportunity." I smiled happily. "Kenny who's at the door?" A woman with red hair asked walking up to the door. "This girl wants to give us free food." The teen named Kenny mumbled looking to the older woman. "Well what are you waiting for we need to eat!" She hollered smacking the blond on the back of the head, shoving him out of the house she slammed the door closed behind him. "Oh well- um, are you alright?" I asked a little stunned. "Yeah that kinda shit happens all the time." He mumbled rubbing the back of his head. "Oh um okay then, well the food is in the back of my car. Would you mind giving me a hand?" I asked walking over to my SUV, he nodded pulling his hood up to cover his face once more. 

After unloading the food and taking it all into the kitchen Kenny walked me back to the door. "Well thank you for giving me a hand." I smiled warmly, as he removed his hood again. "I think I'm the one that should be thanking you." He chuckled smiling back at me. "There's no need honestly, oh here take my phone number I'll let you know when I'll be bringing you all more food." I smirked handing him a slip of paper with my number. "Text me." I called back to Kenny while walking to my car.

~~~Three Years Later~~~

"I'll never forget the first day we met

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"I'll never forget the first day we met." The young man to my right chuckled pulling me onto his bare chest. "Oh yeah?" I asked snuggling into his warm chest, making sure the sheet stayed around my waist. "Yeah that day changed my entire life, if you didn't come over last year I wouldn't have your sexy ass laying naked in my bed." He chuckled rolling us over laying himself between my legs. "Good point." I giggled raking my fingers into his blond hair. "I love you (Y/n)." Kenny mumbled against my lips looking me in the eyes. "I love you too Kenny." I hummed leaning forward to kiss his lightly chapped lips. "Hey Kenny do me a favor." I mumbled leaning towards his ear, after pulling away from our kiss. "Anything baby~" Kenny giggled nibbling on my ear. "Stay with me today lets stay in bed all day, I don't think I can stand to see you die today. It hurts so much every time it happens, and we've been having such an amazing day today. Will you do that for me?" I asked holding his face between my hands. "I never had plans to leave this bed anyways. Though I should warn you, you won't be able to walk right for weeks after I'm done with you sexy!" He giggled grinding into me to get his point across.

~~~An Hour Later~~~

"Oh hey babe I've got a question for you." Kenny mumbled cuddling into my naked chest. "Ask away honey." I cooed kissing the top of his head. "Will you marry me?" Kenny asked kissing my chest. "What?" I asked shocked. "Will you marry me?" Kenny asked sitting up to look me in the face. "Are you serious?" I asked grasping onto his shoulders tightly. "I'm vary serious." Kenny smiled leaning up to peck me on the lips. "Then yes Kenny I will marry you!" I shouted excitedly wrapping my arms and legs around the wonderful man I love.


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