Sir Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak) 2

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Sir Thomas Sharpe (Crimson Peak) 2




Imagine living in the rebuilt home of Crimson Peak in modern time, and finding an odd looking book on your front porch one day after coming home from work.

Imagine living in the rebuilt home of Crimson Peak in modern time, and finding an odd looking book on your front porch one day after coming home from work

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"I wonder who left this here?" I asked allowed walking into the kitchen, laying the heavy book on the counter I walked over to my sparrows and quickly fed them while also checking their water. After I finished with my birds I walked back over to the book and flipped through the pages, skimming over a rather odd looking part I chuckled softly. "Get a load of this." I laughed looking to my birds while pointing at the book. "Here and now I call upon thee, powerful one hear my pleas. A lost soul wonders these halls, I beg of you bring them back to me. Powerful one hear me, bring to me the soul by the name of Thomas Sharpe." Rolling my eyes I closed the book. "What a ridiculous sounding story. Although that name kinda rings a bell." Humming I tried to think of where I had hear that name before, only to shrug it off a minute later. "Oh well." I mumbled softly walking off.

~~~Time Skip~~~


With a jolt I was awoken by a loud crashing sound from somewhere in the house. Slipping out of the warmth of my bed I grabbed the .45 pistol from my nightstand and slowly crept to the door. Pressing my ear up to the door I waited to hear something, but I was met with silence. So I softly opened the door and crept down the stairs, alert for anything. 


Jumping a little when there was another loud bang I made my way towards the sitting room, pistol raised at attention. Walking into the almost pitch black room I scanned the room for movement. The moment my eyes caught something I aimed my pistol at it, quickly noticing it was the silhouette of someone. "Don't move!" I hollered turning off the safety of my gun, the  figure froze. "Please can you help me?" They asked and well by the sound of their voice it was a man. "Don't move I'm going to turn on the lights." I stated inching towards the switch, while keeping my gun aimed on the strange man. With a small CLICK the lights flicked on, the bright lights blinding me for a quick moment. Upon being able to see again I noticed a man in fact  stood before me across the room, there was something oddly familiar about this man but I didn't understand why.

 Upon being able to see again I noticed a man in fact  stood before me across the room, there was something oddly familiar about this man but I didn't understand why

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"Who are you and what are you doing in my home?" I asked gripping my gun a little tighter. "My name is Thomas Sharpe, and I just woke up on the floor." I was confused and he seemed to be as well. "(Y/n)?" He asked after a moment taking a small step towards me. "How do you know my name?" I asked making a small gesture with my gun causing him to still. "Do you not remember me?" He asked sounding hurt. "I'm sorry but we've never met." I told him feeling a small pang in my chest. 

Without even realizing it I lowered my gun and slowly walked closer towards the odd man, once we were at arms length he reached out and gently stroked my cheek with his knuckles. "I've missed you." I whispered without even thinking, he smiled at my words and slowly inched in closer until our noses were touching. "I have miss you my dear (Y/n)." He mumbled softly causing his lips to brush against mine. Leaning in further I closed the gap between us and pushed myself into him, wrapping my fingers into his soft black hair. Moaning into the kiss he grasped at my hips as if I where his life line. A moment later I reluctantly pulled away from the kiss and looked into his warm eyes. "Thomas my love." I whispered remembering everything about my past lover.


This was a request.

Sorry if this wasn't up to par, but I enjoyed writing this one so I hope you liked it!

I have also tried tagging you in this but my laptop is a dick and I don't think it's working so sorry about that, and the small spam of this being part posted!

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