Alex Høgh Anderson 1

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Alex Høgh Anderson 1
*This is set in a world where Alex isn't an actor.
The sound of gunfire startled my mother and I, the loud echo's cut through the night air. "Come on let's get out of here." My mother voice shook ever so faintly, but luck was not on our side this night. Before we could reach the car one of the shooters rounded the corner, taking aim at us. My mother fell behind a parked car, as I dove behind the ice box, just outside the convenient shop doors. The shooter fired a few warning shots as I unholstered my .45 pistol peaking around my cover, I fired a shot at the guy with the 9mm. He ducked behind a dumpster then fired a quick shot, in order to make a run for it. Instincts kicked in and before my mother could stop me I chased after the guy. He ducked into an ally and behind some large wooden crates, standing in the open I fired at him. Splintering the side of the crate with a few shots, after the fourth shot my gun jammed. The man took quick notice of this and stepped out from his cover, forcing me to take cover behind a few metal barrels which smelled to be filled with food grease. He opened fire relentlessly shooting the barrels, and narrowly missing me with quite a few shots. Then I heard it the clicking of a gun, an empty gun. Grabbing a brick from the ground beside me I jumped up and threw the brick as hard as I could. Hitting him in the back just as he turned to run, but to my dismay he just kept running. Chasing after him again I noticed we were just a little ways from my home, making me fear for my friend I had staying there. Raising my gun I pulled the trigger praying it would fire, and luckily it did. The bullet struck his right leg and forced him to collapse into my yard. Running up I quickly pulled him into a headlock and wrapped my legs around his waist, choking him until he fell unconscious.

Not long after the cops arrived with an ambulance that took him away. Before I could even explain to the cops what happened, they had put me in cuffs and stuffed me into the back seat of their cruiser. Knowing it would be smarter to not talk until we got to the police station, I stayed silent the entire ride. And once we arrived I was taken into a questioning room and left alone for a few short minutes.

After explaining what had happened, and why I shouldn't be there. The officer left to get the video footage from the convenient store I had been at with my mother. I sat in that silent room for a little over an hour before he came back. "Alright you're free to go." I was relieved to hear those words, and didn't dare question him.

Not long after I was in court to testify against the man I now know as Alex Høgh Anderson. And before I knew it he was sentenced seven years, and was dragged off. I was honestly unsettled by how calm he was, and the fact that he didn't take his eyes off of me until he was taken away.

~~Two Weeks Later~~

I hummed to myself a sweet yet sad tune, as I walked outside to check the mail. Flipping through the envelopes I was stunned to see a letter from the prison Alex had been taken to. Taking a moment to gather myself I simply stared at the envelope, and with a heavy sigh I opened the letter. The letter was short and to the point reading. "Come visit me I wish to speak to you in person." and with it was a blank visiting application. After hours of just staring at the application I finally made up my mind, I had to know what he wanted.

The application was surprisingly approved not long after I took it in, and before I knew it I was sitting across a small gray table from him. "Hello (Y/n)." He smiled in a relaxed manner. Taking a small breath I sighed softly. "Hi... Alex." His smile brightened setting me on edge. "How did you know my address?" I asked unnerved by the thought. "I had a friend find out for me." That wasn't exactly an answer I was hoping for, and the thought of it make my stomach churn. "You said you wanted to talk to me, so here I am in person as you requested." I was biting the inside of my cheek out of nervousness. "I do and here you are, I'm honestly surprised. But I can tell you don't want to be here so I'll make this quick. You made a mistake." My blood ran cold at the dark undertone of his voice. "I shouldn't be here, you went after the wrong guy." I frowned in confusion. "But you shot at me?" He nodded. "That was out of fear that you were with the guys that were actually shooting about, and I didn't expect you to have a gun in all honesty. And when I ran away you chased me, how could I not think you were with them." He took a deep breath licking his lips. "I know you don't believe me, but do me this one favor since you shot me and all. Go back to the alleyway where you threw that brick at me. Tucked away behind the crates I was hiding behind, you'll find my phone. It's probably dead my now so you'll have to charge it, once it's charged up watch the last video I took with it. Oh and the pin is 801145." He smiled again then stood and left, while I sat there vary conflicted and confused.

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