Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) 1

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Oswald Cobblepot (Gotham) 1
Imagine having been friends with Oswald as children, and loosing contact in your early teen years. When Oswald finds you again it's because he happens upon a Playboy, finding you on the front cover.

 When Oswald finds you again it's because he happens upon a Playboy, finding you on the front cover

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Oswald froze looking at the front cover of this month's newest Playboy magazine. A odd but not an overly surprising thing to find left behind at his club, probably one of his goons. "VICTOR!" Oswald yelled furious that I were doing this to myself. "Yeah boss?" Victor asked holstering one of his pistols. "FIND HER!" Oswald yelled shoving the magazine into Victor's chest. Victor arched a brow looking at my picture on the front. "You a fan?" Victor asked unable to help himself. "I said FIND HER!... NOW!" Victor gave a small nod, quickly leaving right after.


"Why are you doing this exactly?" I asked walking complainantly with the hairless man. "You'll see." He responded gently nudging me forward. Giving a small sigh I walked through the doors of what looked like a club. "Sit." He commanded pointing to the bar. "Stay." He added once I took my seat. "Yes sir." I mocked sarcastically. Walking just a few feet away the man hollered down one of the halls. "Boss she's here!" Walking back over he took a seat next to me, giving me a rather pleased smile. "(Y/n)?" An oddly familiar voice called out walking into the room. I was confused until I noticed the limp. "Ozzy?" I asked standing from my seat. "It really is you." he mumbled a grin spreading across his face. "Yeah it's me." I chucked walking up to him for a long awaited hug. "It's been a long time." I sighed sadly. "Yes it has, and I'm sad that your life has gone the way it has." Oswald frowned holding me at arms length. "What?" I asked confused. The man at the bar whistled, waving a Playboy around when I turned to him. "Why do you flaunt yourself like this?" Oswald asked with a sad sigh. "My body's my only asset remember?" I droned darkly. "He was wrong, he was always wrong. Especially about you my dear, you have so many assets." Oswald gently placed a gentle hand onto my shoulder. "Well you've gotta do what you gotta do, and for me this is it. Weather you like it or not this is my life now." I shrugged taking a seat beside the man who brought me here. "Why not work for me?" Oswald asked walking to stand in font of me. "And do what? Run the bar, clean tables?" Oswald shook his head with a small chuckle. "No I'd have you working with Victor here. I remember your old interests, and even if you're a little rusty Victor here will train you." I arched an eyebrow looking to the man beside me. "Honestly Ozzy who would be training who?" I chucked crossing my arms. "So you trained on your own then." Oswald smiled. "You think you could do better?" Victor asked with a sinister smile. "Oh honey I'm sure of it." I smirked with a playful chuckle. "I like her, she's cute." Victor smiled looking to his boss. "Not to mention-" Victor chucked holding up the Playboy, Oswald quickly cut him off. "Enough! Now (Y/n) will you work for me?" Oswald asked glaring at Victor then smiling at me. "Fuck it." I smiled with a shrug. "I was getting tired of the smug whores at the mansion anyways, always looking down on me because of my tattoos and my style." Victor quickly butted in. "I didn't see any tattoos." I shrugged my shoulders. "They covered them with makeup, when in Playboy you have to be the image of perfection. Tattoos aren't perfection in the eyes of Playboy." Victor smiled. "I'd like to see them." Oswald growled at Victor. "That is enough, you are dismissed Zsasz." Victor glared for a moment then left as he was told. "Come (Y/n) we've got much catching up to do." I smiled following my dear friend.


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