Chapter Seven

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The way the carnal encounter replayed inside her head was unhealthy. Avery stood staring out the windows of the diner, her thoughts replaying the memories for the millionth time. Almost a week after her dinner with Marilyn and she couldn't get the woman off her mind. It felt surreal: Marilyn, the house, dinner, the kiss, the spit? Avery was obsessed. She'd been touched in ways no other had been able to touch her and just the sheer memory of it rendered her incapable of functioning as per normal; she walked around aroused most of her shift. It felt unnatural while completely natural at the same time and that made perfect sense to her.

She wanted, no needed more but was too ashamed to even entertain the thoughts for long let alone ask for it. Where does one begin initiating it? Where does a girl, who for the longest while, lived a life content in never dwelling outside of what she was used to, begin to ask for sexual favours?

Attempting to cleanse her consciousness, Avery's coworker Marcus brought to her attention that it obvious she was daydreaming.
He poked her in the torso and she shrieked from the shock.

"What?" She asked facing the tall man. He was a beautiful man, dreads tied at the top of his head, broad shoulders fairly muscular. Marcus had a warm personality and smile that was often infectious. He grinned at the spooked girl who did her best to hide her embarrassment.

"You were staring out that window for the last five minutes." He informed in that deep voice that the girl never got used to.

"No, I wasn't."

"Wow," the young man chuckled. "You're such a terrible liar."

"And you're a terrible observer." She shot back and he laughed. Marcus shook his head as he returns to the kitchen.

The second he left, Avery's cellphone rang, and with haste, she took it out and studied the number. It wasn't one she knew so she answered the phone with caution.

"Avery, darling" a magical voice drawls, and her face lit up.

"Marilyn, hi."

"How are you?" She asked and the girl's stomach fluttered. Again, she hadn't been asked that question since Marilyn did the first time, and the fact that the woman made sure to always start their conversation with such pleasantries made Avery feel like she could get used to it. But she didn't want to think too far ahead, she and Marilyn never agreed to anything.

"Better now that you've called," Avery replied, toning down her enthusiasm. She was afraid it would chase the woman away.

"That was smooth,"

"It's improvement from the whole "later alligator thing,". How are you?" She replied with a strange amount of confidence. She remembered she was talking to Marilyn, the woman with an innate flamboyance that was more in comparison to her effervescence.

"I'm terrific, in the park with my son so that's nice.."

"Aww, that's sweet. How old is your son?"

Avery had no clue the woman had a child. She never mentioned him that day nor did the girl see a room for him in her house either. But she understood, the woman had the right to share the information when she saw fit. Avery had no problem with it too, she loved children.

"Oh Brandon's six, super adorable but he kills me sometimes with the questions." The woman replied and the girl giggled.

"Well, that's really nice."

"Yes, it is. Anyway, Aves, I was wondering if you'd like to come over again tonight and perhaps spend a few days with me?"

"I'd love too." As if she was ever going to say no Avery thought. She'd had more fun with the woman than she'd ever had with the few people she was friends with.

"No hesitance, that's cute."

"Yeah I had a great time that night so I couldn't say no."

"I see. When exactly do you get off from work?"

"Around six-ish."

"I'll come get you around six-ish then."


Avery bit her lips, her mind already wandering off with endless possibilities. Would she be wine drunk again this time and would they kiss?

"Oh and Avery, before I go remember I hate waiting. If you know you're going to be late, give me a call so I won't come right away."

"Of course," the girl responded and their call ends The widest smile appeared on her face once she'd slipped the phone from her ear. Marcus happened to see the smile and came over to whisper so only she could hear.

"Was that the person you were thinking about earlier?" He asked and Avery laughed.

"No," she said and walked away.

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