Chapter Twenty-Seven

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"Okay, you need to lower your fucking voice, alright," the woman gritted at the insufferable idiot on the end. John was on the insufferable asshole on the other side, spewing his usual crap hoping it would intimate his ex-wife and the animosity he received from Marilyn was because he was acting like his usual cunty self and she wasn't in the mood for it.

"No, you listen to me and listen carefully, I will ruin you and that little red-headed bitch of yours if you ever bring my son anywhere near her again, do you hear me?"

"I want to see you try it. I swear to god I'll kill you if you ever lay your grotesque hands onto her. I already agreed to what you asked, what more do you need huh? To see me rot, to ruin my life for good, is that your plan?"

"Oh please, why would I try to ruin what's not there, am I that bored?" He asked questioned and Marilyn laughed into his ear.

"Apparently so. Look, John, I've already told you that Avery isn't going to be around our son. Yesterday was an exception because it was quite significant for her. I know you don't have the heart to understand what I'm saying, but it won't happen again."

"You're damn right it won't, I'll make sure you never see Brandon again and that's a promise." John dramatically ends the call and the woman sighed rolling my eyes. The things she had to put with from that man was ridiculous, she was surprised she hadn't shown up at his house with her glock in an attempt to blow his brain out.

Absentmindedly going about her business, the woman was startled by Avery's presence in the doorway. She had concern written extensively on her face as she studied her.

"Is everything alright?" She asked and the woman feigned a smile.

"Of course, why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, I heard you talking on the phone with someone and it sounded as if you were upset. Was it John?"

"Uhh, yeah." Marilyn sighed running my fingers through her hair while eventually, she began to pace.

"He's upset because he found out that you were in the park with Brandon and me yesterday,"

"Oh. I'm sorry."

"No, it's fine. John's just an attention-seeking whore who'd do anything to make sure he's heard."

Avery spotted the hurt and tardiness behind the woman's glossy eyes so she went over and hugged her.

"You're an amazing woman, mother, friend, and lover." She said emphasizing the word "lover" before trailing off.

"And I don't doubt in my mind that you'll win custody of Brandon. Sure John's going to try whatever but he's never going to win, even if he does on paper you'll always be the best in Brandon's eyes and that's something that no one could ever take away."

"You sure do have a way with words." The woman teased, obviously pleased by the reassurance.

"Why thank you, I've learned from the best," Avery said.

"I didn't teach you that."

"Who said that it was you?" She teased along smoothly and Marilyn laughed. Feeling the tension within her muscle dissipate, it was safe to say that Avery was her stress reliever, the sunshine to her rainy day. She admired her very much and felt strongly for her. Perhaps falling in love with her and faster than she expected.

"If I asked you to do something with me, would you?" Avery struck up with a warning.

"It all depends."

"On what?"

"What you'd do for me in return?" the woman retorts.

"I'd do anything for you" Avery answered and the woman cocked a brow.

"Be careful now, those are powerful words."

"Yes I'm aware but I'm being honest," Avery replied.

"Alright so go ahead, tell me, what is it that you need?"

"Spend a night with me underneath the stars, on the beach." She answered and I grinned.

"Why the beach?"

"Because it's exquisite and I've been meaning to go back since that night."

"For you, I'd do anything. All I want is for you to have fun,"

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