Chapter Twenty-Eight

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Quite like their first night out there beneath the stars, Marilyn and Avery cuddled up with a blanket and observed nature. She sang for them, her rustling waves and susurrating leaves created a symphony.

Their minds were cleared, they had each other to hold and touch. For the most part, it was good, Well to Avery, for Marilyn? Not so much.

The woman worried about the court hearing in the upcoming weeks. She was concerned that things weren't going to work out in her favour and she's been worried about it for the longest while. She feigned her optimism most of the time not wanting to alarm anyone. Everyone knew her to be this strong, powerful woman and to suddenly show them that she was an emotional wreck inside would be the worse arc they'd ever seen.

Marilyn didn't want anyone seeing her vulnerable, not even Avery so she pretended and had been since she separated from her husband and was forbidden from seeing Belle.

Ever so often, in quiet moments like that, she would sit and wonder what could've been if John hadn't found out. They would probably still be doing the things they did; having clandestine dinner affairs and secretive rendezvous in hotels to make passionate love. She'd probably be a holding the girl the exact way she held Avery Marilyn thought. It ached her heart and she knew it ached Belle as well but they had no other choice but to accept what happened. Retaliating would've made it worse and who knew John might've kept his promise and killed either of the two of them.

Holding back tears, Marilyn squeezed Avery to her torso, feeling the girl him as it vibrated against her chest.

"This is nice,"

"Yeah, you owe me," the woman said.

"Anything you want,"

"This is enough," she hummed, kissing the girl on the forehead and then staring out into the ocean. It sang for her but a song of deep mourning and loss. It reminded her that everything that was about to go left in her life was no one else's fault but hers.

She should've never broken the agreement she made among John and Belle. She would've spared herself the heartache. But in doing so she probably wouldn't have met Avery and she was one of the best things that had ever happened to her.


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