Chapter Sixteen

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Behind the walls of her library, Marilyn could hear distant shuffling in the halls. Checking her watch, she noted that it was several minutes past eight in the evening, around the time she expected Avery to return or at least she hoped she did.

Getting up from her chair, she peeked out into the halls to see the girl exiting the room she stayed in. "How was work?"

"A coworker of mine spat in a woman's food because she was being rude to me. Apparently, I'm a dumb bitch because I told her she was the one who ordered the onions in her dish and not that I forgot to exclude it,"

"Who's the co-worker?" Marilyn questioned folding her hands across her chest.

"We call her Fi, she's the one who's always leaving early or is never there,"

"Someone should give that woman a raise of pay, that took guts,"

"No, it was horrible. That's not a nice thing to do," Avery defended and the woman arched a brow.

"She was rude, called you a dumb bitch and yet you stand here defending her with your entire chest?"

The girl shrugged.

"Oh Avery, what did I say about being a pushover? You do not feel sympathy for those who are undeserving of it; you should've been the one to spit inside of her meal," Marilyn replied.

Avery covered her mouth, her eyes wide at the woman. "That's mean,"

"No, what's mean is that some people are so unhappy and miserable with themselves that they have to go to establishments like that to verbally abuse someone to feel important or like they have order and control in their lives," The woman said nearing the girl and pushing a few strands of wavy auburn hair away from her face.

"You should really consider a change of profession; yes I know it's how you earn a living but they're much better jobs out there Aves, you're too pure and sweet to be treated like dirt."

"It's not always like that, plus it's how I met you or have you forgotten? You almost ate my head off for ruining your skirt,"

The woman arched her brow even higher.

"I have dozens of white skirts, I was never going to eat your head off for something tangible."

"You looked like you were,"

Moving closer to Avery until her back was to the wall, Marilyn smirked down into her face, cognizant of how tiny she was in comparison to her stature.

"You're a little grumpy," she gripped the girl's chin forcefully.

"Maybe it's because I didn't see you this morning before I left,"

Amused by her response and also struck by the cuteness, Marilyn cupped Avery's freckled face. Was she ever going to get tired of seeing those butterfly freckles, those perfect dimples and smile? She knew she wouldn't. It had been days since the girl came by and it still felt like the first time she'd seen her. She would wake up and still be amazed that Avery wanted to be around.

"Well I'm here now sweetheart, so cheer up or else I'd be forced to put a smile on your face,"


Spinning her around and firmly spanking her ask, the girl gasped.

"Take a shower and let's have dinner first,"

Nodding, Avery trods off, looking back a few times before disappearing into the guest bedroom.

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