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"I swear Tae, its not-" "What it looks like? Save your excuses for someone who cares" the elder scoffed, "It's fine" that's a lie. "Just leave" don't go. "I won't care" I'd miss you. "I'll be fine." he mumbled, that was the last thing he ever said to the younger. And it was a lie. Every word that came out if the older's mouth that day was a complete lie. The last thing the younger ever seen from him was his boxy smile slowly, but surely, fading away as he (JJK) walked out the door.

[ tick tock tick tock ]

Taehyung awoke to the sound of his alarm going off, he rolled to where the sound was coming from and immediately hit the snooze button.

5 minutes has past and ringg , there goes his alarm once again. Just as soon as he was about to hit the button- thud- he fell on his bottom. "Kim Taehyung, you are not going to press that snooze button once again" his mother started, "You're going to get off your bum and take a shower you got that? I dont wanna hear that annoying ass alarm again." Mrs. Kim huffed with finality.

You know that feeling wherein you just woke up and just daze in for a bit then come back to earth? Well thats what Taehyung did. He lazily got up and sat on his bed, staring at his wall for who knows how long. Everything was going too fast and it was too early to deal with shit like this, thats when realization struck him.

Sunday, August 5th, ' Goodbye fun, Hello reality' was written under his calendar. He quickly got up, took a quick shower, picked out his Gucci outfit, grabbed his packed Gucci bag and headed downstairs.

Ok, the only Gucci thing he owns are his socks, but a boy can dream right?

He greeted his mom as he arrived at the dining area. He and his mom were close, his dad was caught cheating so Mrs. Kim broke it off with the asshole. "Its about time you leave my house" she sighed in relief , "M-mom!" Taehyung exclaimed, sure the two joked around a lot but he wasn't sure if it was meant to be a joke or not. His mom wheezed at his unsureness (a/n I doubt that's a word but screw it) "Im kidding! Kidding!" "Its not funny." Taehyung pouted "Aww is my baby taetae gonna miss mommy?" she teased in her baby voice "Do you want me to come and drive to school and give you lots of kisses? Is that it?". "What? No!" he quickly said out of embarrassment. She faked a cry, "Whatever you're going to be late, hurry up or you'll miss the bus" "Oh shit!" Taehyung cursed as he grabbed his "Gucci" bag , gave his mom a peck on the cheeks and ran out the door as he heard his mom call out "Dont fucking curse while I'm not there! Love you" he simply rolled his eyes and yelled an 'I love you too' back.

The bus was about to leave Taehyung behind but he was able to catch up. The bus driver scolded him for being late, actually he would've arrived earlier if he didn't stumble a few times, drop his phone, and got distracted by a cat. The seats were mostly full except for one seat that was empty. He walked over the empty seat and was shock to see his best friend's boyfriend sleeping (a/n cliché story who?). Carefully trying not to wake Yoongi up, he sat down. Yoongi was asleep throughout the whole bus ride whilst Taehyung was busy admiring Seoul and it's many wonders.

They arrived shortly after almost 4 hours, Yoongi woke up which made Taehyung flinch. "Ah, Taehyung" he started, "Youre riding the bus too?" "Oh uhm, yeah.. my mom couldn't take me..." Yoongi understood what he meant "but uh you're taking the bus as well? You usually take the train?" , he isn't a stalker , its just whenever Jimin would ask them to come and visit him, Tae would always ask Yoongi if they can go together since he'd be scared to go by himself but thus, Yoongi doesn't say anything and takes the train instead. "oh yeah, I wanted to sleep and sleeping on a bus is much better than on a train" Taehyung nodded as he agreed.

As soon as they got off the bus, Taehyung asked if they could walk together, Yoongi thought Why the fuck not and so they did. "Hyung, I saw a cat and got reminded of you" Yoongi gave him a confused look as to why he'd be compared to a cat of all things "Oh! That's right you don't know" Tae grinned "Know what?" Yoongi asked, still confused "Chimchim calls you his 'lil meow meow' and it's cute but he keeps saying he misses his lil meow meow and I can't tell if he's talking about his cat or you" Taehyung pouted , Yoongi laughed "Why would that matter to you?" "I-I dont know, I guess its because you've always been like a brother to me and your business is my business" Yoongi was about to respond when

"Tae! Yoongi!" a voice called out, they both turned around to be greeted by a smiling mochi. "Lil meow meow huh?" Yoongi grinned, Jimin was crimson red "Taee! Why'd you tell him!" Taehyung laughed out loud then ran off like someone was about to murder him , leaving the two lovebirds behind.

As he entered the building, the first thing he did was go up 22 flights of stairs to reach his dorm, no he did not take the elevator, it scares him so. He rested for a bit , trying to catch his breath, ding! His phone chimed, he got it out and opened the message

Guess what
Yoongi and I are miraculosly dormmates akuabaj
and by miraculosly you mean you begged Ms. Office Lady to put you two together.

Before he could respond back, Taehyung placed his phone back inside his pocket and walked to find his dorm. Dormmate huh, hopefully they wouldn't be an ass. He thought as he twisted the doorknob open.


Hello if anyone's reading this, hope you have an amazing day uwu

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