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A tiny cry escaped me, and I quickly clapped a hand over my mouth.

Too late.

Both Jin's and Kiri's head snapped towards my direction.

Kiri had a small, smug smile on her face while Jin's expression became shocked and then blank.

"A-Abby. What are you doing here?" Jin stammered.

I could only shake my head, keeping a hand over my mouth, and then turned around and fled.

"ABBY!" Jin yelled after me, but I didn't stop or turn around.

I just ran back towards the hotel. I kept running with my head down until my lungs felt like they were about to burst. At last, I managed to hide in a grove of trees somewhere next to the road before hot tears spilled out of my eyes. I shook my head angrily, trying to rid the tears.

What did I expect?

Jin, a young, healthy, deadly handsome man who was world famous. Me, a seventeen, naïve, teenage girl who didn't even belong in this era. What did I expect?

So foolish.

So foolish.

I hit the tree trunk beside me to let loose some of my emotions. Instead, I let loose my blood as the skin of my knuckles broke open.

I hissed in pain, but at least I was now distracted from Jin situation. I took deep breaths, cradling my now injured fist against my chest and looked around.

I wasn't near the hotel.

I stood up, slowly turning in a circle. I didn't recognize my surroundings at all. I couldn't even see where the tall red Dairy Queen sign was.

"Dammit," I swore softly. Where was I?

I'd thought I'd headed back to the direction of the hotel. But it was obvious I was nowhere near the hotel.

I was in a small, almost rundown neighborhood. I looked down the street where I'd come from and saw the light of the main of the city in the distance. How far had I ran? I began to traverse down the side of the road on the sidewalk, trying to keep calm.

This was why my mother was always so strict of the type of man I'd marry. Had she not warn me love is not something to be taken lightly? And yet, she'd set up an arranged marriage.

One thing kept nagging at me. What was going on between Jin and Kiri? It seemed impossible that he and Kiri were together in some way or another, yet I had clearly seen them kissing in the back of the Dairy Queen. I had heard Jin declare his love for her. Why were they even back there?

I tried to brush aside the cluttering questions in my head. I frowned as I continued in the direction of the city, but nothing was becoming familiar. Granted, I'd kept my head down when I'd fled, but surely, something would become familiar right?

I began to look around again uncertainly.

My injured hand was shaking a little and I looked down to see I'd smeared blood on the front of my pale shirt on accident. It looked like the blood had stopped, but there was so much.

I began to grow dizzy.

The heat. The blood. The confusion. The fear.

"Hey! You!"

I turned, dazed, at the voice that had reached my ears.

A young man, no, boy about my age was striding towards me with a friendly grin. One tooth was missing from his mouth, giving him a more boyish look.

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