➻ Thirty-one

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My face froze.

Evan Greene.

Evan Greene.

The name bounced in my head like a taunting echo.

It was Jimin who cleared his throat. "Th-that's an interesting name," he stumbled over his words a little at first. "It's very American considering you can speak Korean."

The young man, Evan, shrugged a little. "My mother was from China," he said simply.

"Uh, we're Korean," even Yoongi seemed a tad bit dumbstruck as he gestured between Jimin and him.

"Oh," Evan shrugged again. "I can speak Chinese and Korean. And English."

An heir to a successful company out East.

That's what my mother had told me.

Was this man truly, truly, the same man that had knocked upon my door right before I came into this era? Was this man before me truly the man I was to marry? Was this man... truly the one I murdered in another version of myself?

Evan shifted his gaze to me. "You seem very American yourself," he said to me. "Not even of any Asian descent at all. How is it that you speak fluent Korean?"

"We tutored her," Jimin jumped in, finally starting to compose himself.

I just nodded, still trying to find my voice.

"Ah, and may I ask for your name?" Evan leaned forward ever so slightly. He shot a quick look to the boys behind me. "I asked the lady, by the way. If either of you were planning to answer for her."

"Natalie," my voice whispered.

"What was that?" A flash of confusion crossed Evan's face.

I cleared my throat. Pull yourself together, I commanded myself silently. "Natalie. That's my name."

"Hm, nice to meet you Natalie," Evan extended his hand for a handshake.

I swallowed hard and forced myself to take his hand. "Nice to meet you as well," I stammered a little.

"Were you planning to tour the museum?" Evan asked, motioning towards my house. "It's truly interesting. I'd love to show you around."

"Hey, kid, why are you being so friendly?" Yoongi demanded, drawing up next to me.

"Is it not proper to be gentlemanly towards a lady?" Evan looked genuinely befuddled.

"It's a bit creepy in all honesty," Yoongi replied, eyes narrowing.

I couldn't see his whole face, but I could tell Yoongi was scowling at Evan. Jimin still hung back a little, absorbing every detail.

"I did not mean to insult or offend any of you," Evan rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm sorry. But may I ask what your relations to each other are?"

"She's my friend's mother's sister's adopted granddaughter," Yoongi stated.

There we went again with the confusing lineage.

Evan stared. "Your friend's what daughter?" He asked, perfectly confused.

"Anyways," Jimin now leapt into the situation. Quite literally. He bounded up next to my other shoulder. "We're going to head out now, right Natalie?" He stressed, looking at me.

"Were you not going to tour the museum?" Evan frowned.

"Nope," Yoongi now took my shoulders and began to steer my back to the car. "We were just admiring the scenery. We don't have time to actually tour."

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