➻ Epilogue

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Taehyung practically flew out of the car onto the sidewalk.

A few pedestrians jumped in surprise at his sudden appearance and shot him worried, concerned glances.

Next, a scowling Jimin's faces popped out of the car. "You know, when I said change the contact name from 'Fat Rice Cake' I did not mean change it to something like 'Sexy Mochi.' Jerk!"

Taehyung just cracked up on the sidewalk.

"At least he added 'sexy' in the name," Jungkook scoffed as he brushed past Taehyung. "Much more than what I would've done."

"Guys, come on," Namjoon sighed as he hopped out as well. "We're here for a purpose, remember?"

"You are so dead when we get back to Korea," Jimin threatened Taehyung.

The rest of the members piled out of the van, some adjusting their masks.

"It looks the same outside," Yoongi remarked as he gazed at the museum.

"Do you think she pulled it off?" Hoseok worried as he helped Taehyung up from the sidewalk.

"Only one way to find out," Jungkook straightened his jacket and strode towards the museum.

"Jungkook! Look both ways before crossing th- oh never mind," Namjoon sighed. "Honestly, one of us is gonna get hit by a car sooner or later."

Jin smiled quietly to himself. He'd told Abby the same thing when they'd been at the museum. It had been two days since she'd left, but it felt longer than that. The team was leaving Chicago and had no idea when they'd be back.

The team crossed the street, most of them looking both ways others not, and entered the museum.

The museum interior was still the exact same as Jin remembered when he'd came with Abby. His heart beat faster in his chest. What had he been expecting? Some sort of sign that things had changed?

"Let's go upstairs," Namjoon tugged at Jin's sleeves. "That's where the signs more on the family are."

As one, with Namjoon and Jin leading the way, the team hastened up the stairs into the small second floor with two bedrooms and a sewing room.

The members quickly spread out and Jin chose the sign where he'd originally read about Evan Greene before.

A young man by the name of Evan Greene visited the Carver House many times to seal deals with the Carver family to ensure the Silver Star would not be taken over by his granduncle: Sir Henry Augustus. Rumors and stories had it, however, that Abigail Carver, daughter of the house, never truly liked Evan Greene.

Jin smirked a little. "The words are different," he whispered in awe.

"Hey, Jin hyung!" Jimin waved over Jin. "Read this sign!"

Abigail Carver was the daughter of the Carver Family and was known to be very headstrong. She was greatly frowned by many, but she's become known as one of the strongest women of American history as she was the first woman to become in charge of a company. She, however managing the Silver Star very well and right before the Chicago Fire, gave the company to Sir Augustus only to buy it back after the fire, leaving the Augustus family bankrupt. A very clever move from a woman at the time and earning her some respect by many.

"Hell yeah," Jungkook grinned. "She saved her company. She did!"

"It's so weird," Hoseok commented. "We literally saw her a little over 48 hours ago."

"We were talking with the dead," Taehyung whispered.

Yoongi smacked Taehyung's head. "Be respectful, will you? Abby was kind to us, don't be weird."

"And he defends his dead lover," Hoseok sighed before wincing. "Okay, I promise that's the last time I'll narrate, I promise, Yoongi hyung."

Yoongi just shrugged. "I sort of liked Abby."

"WHAT??" Jin, Jungkook, and Hoseok all yelped in shock.

"Oh please, don't act like I just said I killed your great grandmas," Yoongi snorted. "It was a tiny crush. Nothing much."

"You poor thing," Hoseok wrapped an arm around Yoongi. "Your love died."

"I am about to hit you, Hoseok, bug off," Yoongi growled, face scowling.

Jin silently slipped away from the teammates as they began to tease and bicker among themselves.

Jin crossed to the last sign down the hallway. The last one he hadn't read or seen. It was titled 'Carver's Journal.'

Jin looked down and read the words.

Abigail Carver kept a journal in her teenage years speaking of her family and company. Some historians believe Abigail might have been slightly mentally ill because she once wrote much of something of 'Seven Knights' in her journal. She spoke of time travelling into the future to meet the 'Seven Knights' of her father's predictions. She declared these knights as true heroes, claiming they saved her family and company. Other historians believe this was her way to divert shock and anger of her taking over the company of her family, using the Seven Knights as scapegoats of sorts. We'll never know the truth of Abigail Carver as she became more mysterious and reserved as she grew into adulthood...

Jin's eyes drifted away from the sign and the rest of its words. The historians may not know the truth, but there were seven men who knew the truth.

Jin exhaled and closed his eyes briefly to block out the world.

If only he had a little more time... he could've said 'I love you.'

The world was filled with mysteries. People treasured secrets. So many hidden stories tucked away in the world.

And many of those stories would forever remain as hidden.

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