➻ Thirty

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"It's Yanny."

"It's Laurel!"



"That's it!" Jin stormed over to Jungkook and Jimin arguing and snatched the phone from the two. "It's been an hour and neither of you are getting anywhere!"

"I was winning the argument, though!" Jungkook protested.

"How?" Jin rolled his eyes.

"I said 'yanny' 123 times, that's 5 times more than Jimin did!" Jungkook pouted.

Jimin hit Jungkook in the shoulder. "No, I said it 124 times, you miscounted."

"It's laurel and that's that," Yoongi grumbled.

"Aw, thanks hyung!" Jimin went over to hug Yoongi.

"Bug off," Yoongi mumbled, batting away Jimin's approaches.

"No, it's yanny!" Jungkook glanced towards me. "Right Abby?"

"Incorrect, Jungkook!" Yoongi called.

Jin face palmed himself. "Yoongi, I swear, you join this argument and I will hit you with a frying pan. As second oldest, I expected better from you."

"Hey! Jin hyung," Yoongi's eyes flashed to Jin. "What the hell is that supposed to mean?"

We'd landed in Chicago yesterday. I thought I'd be shocked to see the city. Yet I was only mildly surprised. I guess 2018 was starting to wear on me. It certainly was much bigger than I expected with so many tall buildings made of glass and metal with hundreds of lights everywhere.

I'd wanted to go to the museum right away that would hold the answers to what happened to my past. But it was too late yesterday, and today was a weekend so it wasn't open.

The boys had been going in and out all day, celebrating their newfound freedom. I had gone out a few times as well. Once to an art museum with Namjoon and Jimin, a music display with Yoongi and Hoseok, and then I ran into Jungkook while heading back to the hotel after the music display. He'd been taking photos and I'd decided to walk beside him.

Now, it was after and dinner and everyone was piled in Jin and I's hotel room, as usual.

"Good grief," Jin groaned.

"Gimme my phone back!" Jimin reached for Jin.

Unfortunately, Jin held up the phone high in the air. The only way Jimin would be able to reach it was if he jumped.

Jimin narrowed his eyes. "Hyung. Give me my phone."

"One condition: never speak the words 'yanny' or 'laurel' in my presence again," Jin stated.

"Fine!" Jimin held up his hands in surrender.

Jin handed the phone to Jimin.

Jimin whirled around to Jungkook. "I said it 124 times!"

"I said it 128 times then!" Jungkook retorted. "I know I said it five more times than you!"

"Uh, Jungkook?" Namjoon peered over the edge of the book he'd been reading. "124 plus 5 doesn't equal 128."

"Huh?" Jungkook looked up to the ceiling. "Oh wait, it's 131 right?"

I had to clear my throat to prevent some laughter. Namjoon sighed heavily and resumed his book.

"Jungkook, now listen to your hyung," Taehyung now was joining. He took Jungkook's face in his hands like a little baby. "If you have four apples, and you add five. What do you have left?"

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