➻ Thirty-seven

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Evan ambled towards me with a soft smirk on his face though there were dark circles under his eyes and he wore dirty orange smocks that marked him a criminal.

I raised my chin defiantly though inside my chest, my heart raced and my palms sweated.

"You folks have twenty minutes," the escort of Evan's said gruffly before leaving the small room he and I were in, divided by a thin wire mesh. Me on one side, him on the other.

The members were in their concert hall, practicing for their next concert, so I was alone. But they'd devised a plan and told me everything I needed to know for today.

"Well, my dear, here to gloat of your victory?" Evan sneered a little.

"Drop the act, Evan," I said coolly. "I'm not in the mood."

"Ah well, you can go back to your era any time," Evan exhaled, leaning lazily on the wire fence that divided him and I. "You just need to follow your gut, literally. You will feel a tug within you. It will lead you back home because you've fulfilled your mission. Your father's wish."

"And you shall die here," I spoke the unspoken words.

An emotion flickered across Evan's face quickly. "Yes."

I walked up until I was right up on the fence myself. "What would you do to get out of here?" I asked in a low, soft voice. "What are you willing to do to not be stuck and die in this era?"

Evan's sneer dried up and he became solemn. "What?"

"Trust me, Greene," I said, venom dripping from my words. "One wrong move, I will not hesitate to leave you to the mercy of this era. So you listen to everything I say, do them exactly as I say, and all will be well."

I could see Evan visibly swallowing. "I'm listening."

Yoongi slept in a graceless pile on the sofa and Jungkook kept nodding off next to Jimin.

The rest of the members all sat quietly around, either on their phones or talking quietly to each other.

I bit my nails into my palms before crawling over to where Taehyung was watching something on his phone. When he saw me, though, he quickly put it away and straightened.

"Abby," he greeted.

I offered a little smile. "May I ask you something Taehyung?" I inquired softly.

Taehyung nodded, shooting me a small grin.

"When you told me that day that you liked me- no, you said love," my voice faltered and I forced myself to continue to the end, "what ever happened to that? The moment you learned I was murderer you shied away."

Taehyung nodded slowly. He seemed thoughtful and didn't seem to embarrassed or awkward. "I was wrong," he said slowly. "I thought I loved you. You were so fiery, so unlike anyone I'd ever seen. And the way you seemed so lost at times, I wanted to be the one to help you. I wanted to protect you and care for you."

His voice was so deep and steady.

"But in the end, I guess I felt like you weren't the right one," he took a deep breath. "You became stronger. And you obviously had a thing for Jin hyung."

My face instantly began to flame up.

Taehyung chuckled a little. "Don't worry, Abby. I don't think it was too obvious, until we found you together in bed. I only knew because I was always watching you at the start- not supposed to be creepy. I always saw you glancing towards Jin and would act different when he was in close proximity to you."

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