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"My name is Jeon Jeongguk I'm sixteen years old and I moved here from Icheon

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"My name is Jeon Jeongguk I'm sixteen years old and I moved here from Icheon." The boy said as he looked around his classroom noting how there was no brightly colored hair of a protagonist. "I hope we all get along."

"There's an empty seat you can go sit in the back row, Jeongguk."  The teacher said as she turned and grabbed onto a piece of chalk. "And with that we shall begin our lesson for today."

Jeongguk couldn't help but rejoice as he walked back to his seat observing how the attention seemed to now be off of him. Of course his mood seemed to sour as he noted how the seat he was given was at the very back, right beside the window.

That's totally where a protagonist would sit.

He sighed placing his stuff on the ground as he grabbed his notebook preparing to take notes. He wanted to prove to this teacher that he really did belong in the junior class even though he was younger than anyone else in it. Granted as soon as he got a job his grades would probably plummet and he'd be stuck on the verge of being held back again but he couldn't really change that.

Normally people look outside the window and ignore class too, right? He thought as he glanced out the window seeing how the scenery was a bit more urban than his last school. Everyone gets distracted from class and taking notes, not just protagonists.

He couldn't help but wonder what class Jihyo had first period, would she bother to say hi to him at school today? Nobody would be able to tell that they were technically in the same family as Jeongguk had kept his biological parents last name instead of his fosters. Chances were that he probably wouldn't even see her due to this school being larger than his last one and he couldn't help but sigh knowing that fact. 

He never really talked to his foster sister at school but being able to see her and be visually reminded that he had a family at home that loved him was nice. He liked having reassurance that everything was going okay in his life and he hadn't switched to back to the cruel reality he had to face as a kid thanks to his blue hair.

"Jeon Jeongguk!" A voice yelled causing him to look back at his teacher and silently swear once realizing all the students seemed to be staring at him. "You will pay attention in my class!"

"Yes ma'am." He said as he picked up his pencil grimacing when he saw how the teacher seemed to glare at him even harder. His mind couldn't help but think how a protagonist would have easily gotten away with looking out the window the entire hour and sometimes a teacher would simply just give them extra points as to help them with good grades. "I'll make sure to pay attention."

She simply sneered at his comment as the rest of the class seems to murmur about his behavior making him frown. He didn't really aim to become friends with anyone here but with how he just acted surely he didn't make a good impression so he could make acquaintances.

This was going to be a long day.

I live in America so I'm using that school system since I'm more comfortable with it. For those who don't know a junior is someone who is in 11th grade and it's their second to last year of high school. People in junior class are usually 16 or 17 but in this story I made Jeongguk the only 16 year old junior since I wanted him to be younger than everyone else and not manipulate their ages too much~

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