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"He's so cute! It's obvious why he's a protagonist

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"He's so cute! It's obvious why he's a protagonist." Jihyo said as she continued talking about her first day of school as the two siblings made their way home. "And, ugh! His pink hair suits him so much! I just want to go up to him and squish his cheeks like the cute little mochi he is!"

"You sound obsessed."

"Bitch, I am. Mochi is in one of your classes too though, right?"

"He's in my art class along with Taehyung." Jeongguk said thinking about his afternoon classes. He smirked ready to impress his sister as he knew the only protagonist she had a class with was Jimin. "And for English Namjoon is the student aid."

"You've got a class with orange and grape too? Lucky."

"Mochi, grape, and orange?" Jeongguk said laughing as he adjusted his school bag. "Do you even know their real names?"

"Well I haven't really like learned which one's which yet but I definitely will at some point!" She said while crossing her arms. "Until then I'm sticking with the nicknames."

"They don't even know you exist but you're already on a nickname basis with them, cute."

"Hey! I didn't plan to talk to them anyways, I'm not a protagonist. I'd have to be crazy to even think of trying to befriend them." The younger frowned at his foster sister's mentality towards protagonists but he had already accepted that everyone seemed to think that way. Of course he wanted to change that but how was he supposed to? He couldn't risk befriending one as that would bring attention to him and he already was trying to hide his real identity. "I'm not that insane. Oh, I did make some friends today though!"

"Mhmm, that's nice."

Jihyo continued talking about all the friends she had made today, some even being exchange students from Japan. Jeongguk had quit listening before she even started and was instead looking at the scenery around him. His eyes focused in on a we're hiring sign at a small cafe and he couldn't help but think about the possibilities of working there. Sure it'd be different from the convenience store he worked at back in Icheon but it was a job at least.

"Jeongguk? Are you even listening to me?"

"Do you think that they'd hire me?" Jihyo stopped as she followed her brother's gaze frowning once she realized it was focused on the hiring sign. "I'd only be able to work part time since school is going on."

"You're already looking for a part time job? Jeongguk you need to focus on school and staying healthy, mom and dad don't expect you to pay a debt to them for adopting you."

"That's not why I want a job, Jihyo." He responded sighing at how serious his sister was. Jihyo had noticed how her foster brother seemed to be so exhausted when he had a job and he struggled with school. She didn't want him to unnecessarily push himself to do something that wasn't required of him. The younger knew that he needed a job if he was to be able to afford hair dye each week. His foster parents would grow suspicious if he kept asking for money every week, especially since hair dye was expensive. He didn't want to push them like that, after all, it was his responsibility to be able to maintain his identity a secret. "I want to be independent and prove that I can survive in the working world. Plus jobs will look good on my resume."

"Promise you won't neglect your studies or health if you get a job?"

"I promise." Jeongguk said as Jihyo seemed to only nod and roll her eyes as nudged him to walk towards the cafe. The younger knew jobs were harder to get in bigger cities so he had grown concerned about finding a way to afford hair dye. Now he was extremely happy that he had found a place he could possibly secure a job at. "Now I just need to apply."

The boy opened the door to be met with slow ambient music and the sound of a bell showing that someone had entered the establishment. Everything seemed very serene but as Jeongguk looked at the menu he couldn't help but feel nervous. Working here he'd have to learn the combination to all the drinks and it seemed insane thinking he'd be able to do that.

He decided to brush off his concerns and made his way to the counter to find a smiling worker there.

"Hi! What can I get you?"

"I'm actually here due to the we're hiring sign outside? Are there any positions left?"

The man quickly looked him up and down before nodding and grabbing a paper that was below the counter. Jeongguk quickly glanced at it noting everything he'd need to fill out to apply and sighed realizing all the time it would take him to answer these questions.

"Have your form filled out before Sunday and just drop it by whenever! We'll try to call you within a week if you get the job! Thank you and come again!"

He simply nodded in response and made his way out of the cafe again tucking the paper in his school bag.

"Stupid hair." Jeongguk muttered as he moved the dyed black out of his vision. "Making me sign up for jobs I don't even want."

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