Chapter 17

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"Conner!" We heard Kelsey yell from the backdoor breaking our kiss. "There's someone here to see you!" He gives me a quick peck on the lips and we walked to the back door and on the back patio sat Kelsey, David, and two other people I didn't know but the woman looked somewhat familiar. "Wow Conner. So good to see you!" I looked over at him to see a surprised look plastered across his face. They gave him a hug and I just stayed behind him not sure of what to do. I looked over at Kelsey and she mouthed 'corals parents'. Oh. This is... awkward. That must be why she looked familiar thouhg. Coralynn looked exactly liked her mother.

"Does anyone want a drink?" Kelsey asked and went with David to go get some drinks as we told them what we wanted. I was kind of scolding her secretly because she wasn't there to talk to them now. I tried to stay behind Conner playing as if they couldn't see me until the lady said "And who's this?" Shit my covers blown.

"My girlfriend." Conner mumbled and I came out from behind him.

"Oh wow. So this knocked up whore is your Coral replacement?" She asked as if I wasn't even in the room. Conner stayed quiet and I looked up at him in disgust but he just looked straight forward at her not even saying a word. I was about to start crying, stupid hormones. I ran past him almost bumping into his parent as I ran upstairs to one of the rooms. It was his.... I locked the door and a minute later I heard some yelling and a car start. I slid down the door and began to cry. How could he just stand there and not defend me? My heart was breaking more and more as I replayed what just happened in my head again and again. I was broke out of my thoughts by a knock at the door. "Lindsey please open the door." I stayed quiet but couldn't help but to cry more. "Lindsey, open the door. We need to talk now." I got up from the door and opened it.

"So now you want to speak up?" I yelled. "Why didn't you think of that when I was standing beside you getting called a fucking whore and a 'coral replacement'" I said using my fingers to air quote what the lady had said. "Why didn't you think about that as my heart was BREAKING RIGHT BESIDE YOU?" I screamed. I am beyond mad.

"I'm sorry Lindsey but those people are like family to me. I didn't know what to say, I" I interrupted him.

"They're like your family huh?" I said calmly. "What about the family you're about to have? What about OUR little baby growing inside of me at this very second?"

"I wasn't thinking!" he exclaimed.

"You are damn right you weren't thinking... You know what just leave me alone. Please." I told him.

"Well if you didn't realize, this is my rooms hun."

"You're right. I'll see you later" I told him and started walking out the door.

"Lindsey! Get back here!" Conner growled.

"You don't control me." I said and walked out the door. I walked down his long driveway and went on my phone and looked up what was close by. There was a public pool down the road from their house. I'll go there. When I got there I got my swimsuit out of the small bookbag I had grabbed as I was walking out the door and went to the bathroom to change into it. I was swimming around and there was only a few other people here. Two ladies and a man, all looked around my age. As I was swimming around I heard someone start to yell. The guy had caught his foot in something and had started drowning. I swam over and lifted him to the air. The other ladies pulled him to the concrete and were freaking out. I climbed up and the guy was out.

"Do you know what to do?" One of the girls screamed. The other one shook their head no and I nodded. I took a lifeguard class when I was a teenager.

"First of all, Call 911. I began doing mouth to mouth, trying to get the water out. He started coughing and he looked up at me.

"Thank you." He leaned up and kissed me. I pulled away. "I have a boyfriend.." I said quietly to him, I think anyways... I stood up, turning around to see a pissed off Conner. He turned away and began to walk off. No no no no no.

"Crap" I whispered. "CONNER!"

He turned around, "Get in the damn truck." He said calmly. I didn't know what to do so I grabbed my stuff and got in the passengers seat. It was painfully quiet until we got through the doors of his house.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT?" He yelled as he walked in the door behind me. His parents were sitting in the living room and quickly got the hint and went outside.

"What do you mean? I just save some guys life because he was drowning! THAT'S IT!" I yelled back.

"Didn't look like he was unconscious to me dear! He looked pretty damn into it." he said walking towards the staircase. I followed him to his room.

"We need to talk about this!"


"I saved him. He woke up and saw that I saved him and kissed me. HE kissed ME! I pulled away as soon as I realized what was going on! You came at the wrong time! AND LET'S NOT FORGET THAT I WENT THERE BECAUSE OF YOU!"

"You didn't have to leave! That was all you."

"....Because you didn't deny that I was a 'whore'" I air quoted again. "You didn't deny that I was a fucking replacement Conner! That's how I see myself now. Your replacement for your ex-fiance. She's all you want. If you loved me more than her, you would've stuck up for ME! And yes. I'm jealous of a dead girl" I told him turning away from him.

"Don't" he whispered.

"Don't what Conner?" I asked him.

He grabbed my arm spinning me to face him. "Do not think that Lindsey! Your ARE NOT my replacement for her. I have moved on. She is and always will be my past! I should've defended you, I know. I fucked up. Okay? That was a mistake and I'm sorry! I am so sorry for making you hurt Lindsey. You are not a whore and you and I both know that so don't even think about what that bitch said. Okay?!"

I started to tear up, "How do I know I'm not your replacement. You're probably only with me because I'm pregnant." I told him letting a tear fall down my cheek.

"Do you remember the day at the beach? That was real Lindsey. I didn't know you were pregnant but I still liked you. I would do anything for you," he said coming closer. "Whether you were pregnant or not I was going to make you mine. Ask anyone, I talked about you to everyone at the frat house, just ask them. You are nothing like Coral. You are way better than she would ever have been. I'm over her. She's my past, and you're my future. And you want to know something else?" I had begun to let many tears fall from my eyes as he took my hand and placed it where his heart is. I closed my eyes as I felt his heart race. "Lindsey. She never.... ever made my heart race a mile a second. You need to know that. Please look at me." I looked up at him to see he had had tears in his eyes also. "I knew her for many years, I've known you for only two months. But I love you more than I ever did her." He told me. We had never said 'I love you' yet.

"You love me?" I sniffled.

"I love you so much baby doll. I have for a while." he rested his forehead against mine.

"I love you too Conner." I whispered.

He then connected our lips. I wrapped my arms around his neck as he grabbed the back of my thighs and lifted me up. He parted and started kissing down my jaw and neck. "I. Never. Want. To fight. Ever. Again." He said in between kisses.

"Me Either." I told him. He stopped and just hugged me tightly and I did the same.

"Promise me, you won't leave me." he whispered into my neck.

"I promise" I said kissing the top of his head.

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