Chapter 10

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Headlights coming at me is all I see. I can't do anything! It's too close to turn!



It's hard to open my eyes! Once I finally open my eyes I see an angry Conner and Brayden sitting next to me. Where am I?! "Conner?" He looks up with full disgust in his eyes.

"You killed the baby!" He yelled.

"How could you do such a thing?!" Brayden came in.

"What happened?" I asked.

"You crashed into another car and killed our baby!" Screamed Conner. He started shaking me and I started crying.

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"

"I'm sorry"


I jerked up and saw a worried Adam and Katelynn staring at me.

"Is the baby okay?" I cried.

"Why wouldn't it be okay Linds? You're scaring us." Adam told me.

Oh thank God it was just a dream. My mini me is okay! "I had a dream that I got in a car accident and I lost the baby and Conner and Brayden were both there in the hospital room and they were both really mad and yelling at me and it was just horrible!" I panted. They both looked at me like I was weird but that was my dream. My nightmare actually...

"Well are you okay now?" She asked.

I nodded and they sighed in relief. Then they left back to go to sleep. I tried going back to sleep but every time I closed my eyes I saw those headlights coming at me again. There was no way I was going back to sleep. It was already 5:30 though and I had to get up in half an hour so why bother trying to go to sleep. I grabbed a book that set on my nightstand. Divergent. It's such a good book so far. I can't wait to get done and then read the next book. And the book after that. After an hour of reading I decide to stop even though I don't want to stop reading! I get in the shower surprised that it was open and the others weren't in here already. Once I'm done I blow dry my hair and wave it out. Then I go to my closet and grab my purple jean shorts and a black t-shirt. Not in a dress up look good move so t-shirt it is. I grab my books and purse and walk out. I pop my head into Kate's room and there sound asleep is Adam snuggled up into a ball. Katelynn must be in the shower or something. I run down to my car surprisingly in a good mood disregarding my dream last night. Kate's car is already gone, that's a little surprising that she's gone already? I didn't get anything to eat so I go to the Starbucks I was about to go to yesterday, hoping you know who wouldn't be there. Thankfully, he wasn't!

"Hi, what can I get you?" A tall brown haired guy asked me.

"A Greek Yogurt and berries and a Caffè Espresso Frappuccino blended beverage. Thanks."

"He gave me my receipt and at the bottom it said 'call me ~Caleb' with his number on it. I smiled and put it in my front pocket. Alrighty then. I grabbed my stuff and sat down at one of the tables they have. As I ate and drank my coffee I looked on my Facebook to have 93 notifications. Woah I just checked last night. I don't usually have this many over night. I clicked on one of the notifications and it read - Hey Lindsey. Is it true? Are you pregnant?- Oh no. I clicked on a few other ones and they were all about the same thing. I scrolled through the notifications to the names of the people I don't know until I saw one I actually did. The first notification that started It all.

BRAYDEN HILL : Lindsey Taylor is pregnant everyone! She's such a whore. Sleeping around with every guy. I'm surprised she wasn't already pregnant. with Katelynn Canterbury, Conner Jenkins, and 107 other people.

......... I thought he'd be the one to stick up for me. He started this. He told everyone! How did he find out?! Just as I got done reading that status in walks Brayden and a few other guys. I grabbed my stuff with one hand and walk up to him and attempted to slap him. Right before my hand made contact he grabbed my hand.

"Don't even think about it." He smirked while squeezing my wrist so hard I thought he would literally crush it into tiny pieces. Then all of a sudden Brayden was punched to the ground and Kaleb was the one to do it. As he fell he let go of my wrist and I held it as it throbbed with pain.

"Thank you so much" I said holding in a tear.

"Are you okay?" he asked me.

"Yeah..." I lied and then I walked out to my Jeep. I sat down and started to break down. They all know now. My stomach isn't even showing and they all already know! Because of that stupid ass Brayden. I thought we were friends?! I thought I could trust him! I hate him! I look at my wrist and see that it's already starting to bruise. I need out of here! I pull out and speed down the road. I don't know where I'm going but it's going to be away from here! As I'm driving down the road I start getting creeped out. This road looks really familiar and all of a sudden it comes to me. This is the road in the dream!



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