I'd like to say we gave it a try
I'd like to blame it all on life
maybe we just weren't right
but that's a lie
—————————"You must know if you're together or not." Sadie sighed, her head was in her hands, trying to figure out how the fuck all of this happened. "It's one small fight, you've had plenty that you both have gotten over."
"It's not like those other times." Millie exaggerated flailing her arms in her air as she paced her bedroom dramatically. "He was really hurt over this."
"Well duh."
Millie looked at her best friend with furrowed eyebrows and a sour look. Sadie wasn't making anything better, she wasn't doing anything except reminding Millie on how much she screwed up the one thing she had going for her. "What's that supposed to mean?"
"It means that I'm your best friend and its my duty to say it how it is. What you've done is wrong, of course it would hurt a person with humane feelings."
"You don't think I know that?" Millie moaned, falling back onto her bed and running her hands through her short hair. She messed up, she messed up big time and her trying to think of countless of ways to try and fix the scenario is giving her a huge headache.
"Have you tried calling him?"
"Of course I have." Millie fired back, "what kind of stupid question is that?"
"Have you tried going to his house?" Sadie asked, trying to think of ways to resolve the problem.
"Yeah, he's not answering the door to me and his parents are with Nick to visit some colleges so its not like they can let me in."
"Don't you have the spare key?"
"Jesus Sadie, how many questions do you wanna ask me?"
"Im only trying to help."
"Sorry, I just don't know what to do." Millie sighed. "I do have the spare key but the chains on the front door and I won't be able to get in. Believe me, I've tried."
"Then wait by the front door and call his name?" Sadie shrugged, siting up and rubbing her head as she developed head rush.
"Sadie, if he doesn't want to talk to me then I'm not going to force him. He has every right to be pissed off at me, i'll give him space and when he wants to talk ill be waiting." The pained look on Millie's face really made Sadie upset, seeing her best friend cranky and not her self was foreign to her, Millie was probably one of the bubbliest people Sadie knew and the whole situation was bizarre to her.
It was bizarre to see them fighting, not even speaking to each other when they're the most loving, pda filled couple Sadie has had the pleasure to be around 24/7.
Millie, on the other hand, was stuck. Normally she'd know what to do, she'd know the best way to resolve an argument within a heartbeat but this, she felt like she was walking up an escalator that was going down.
"I think I need to be alone for a while." Millie nodded, convincing herself that it was the right option for her to feel somewhat better.
"Are you sure?" Sadie questioned, standing up and looking down at the ball curled up on a double bed. Sadie didn't know whether to actually leave her be or to make sure she isn't alone.

infatuated | fillie
Fanfiction"give me one good reason why I should go to this party?" "wolfhard will be there." where two ex's see each other at a party after breaking up highest ranking: #1 in 'Fillie' #1 in 'janehopper'