Welcome to Heaven- Castiel x Reader

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"Cas, where am I?" Just a minute ago, you had been chasing down a demon with Sam and Dean. Now you were in a place that seemed oddly familiar and strange at the same time.
"Come with me. I'll help you figure it out." He held out his hand and you took it.
"Um...okay..." You said timidly. Cas had never spoken to you so softly and sweetly, not even when he had comforted you after a rough day.

The two of you walked up to a beautiful black and white farmhouse. Gardens lined the path that led up to a wrap-around porch, where flower baskets hung from the rafters. On the porch sat two large rocking chairs. You looked past the farmhouse and saw a big red barn. Horses grazed in a fenced in area next to it and chickens walked around the yard like it was no big deal.

"Cas, this is beautiful. What is this place?" You were at a complete loss for words.
"Walk in that door, and you'll find out." Again he spoke with that really soft voice. It scared and comforted you at the same time. You took a hesitant step forward. "Don't worry. I'm right behind you." You instantly felt better knowing that your best friend was right there with you.

When you walked in the door, you were overwhelmed with the smell of sugar cookies. You looked around and saw stairs, a hallway right next to it. You slowly walked down the hallway, admiring the photos that hung on the wall. There were pictures of horses, nature, and of the house in all four seasons. Without realizing it, you had walked into the kitchen. 

The first thing you noticed was the person. She had long, dark brown hair that would've reached the middle of her back if she didn't have it in a ponytail. The old flannel shirt, skinny jeans, and cowboy boots looked perfect on her. She leaned down to pull something out of the oven, and you realized she was responsible for the sugar cookie smell.

"Honey, the cookies are finished!" She called to somebody in another room. Just a few seconds later, a man walked into the kitchen holding a two-year-old. You gasped.
"Those smell so good!" He exclaimed. Cas came up behind you and put his hand on your shoulder.
"It's okay." He said. You couldn't help it. You ran out of the house and into the yard, stopping under a tree to catch your breath and calm down.

Cas appeared beside you. "Those were my parents in that house. That kid was me." You sobbed. Your parents had died when you were just a couple years old in a car crash. You didn't remember them, but you kept a picture of them on your bedside table. That was why you had felt that sense of familiarity.

"So I'm dead. And this is heaven." Cas nodded his head, and sobs overtook your body. "What about Sam and Dean? They need me!" You couldn't even imagine the pain they were going through right now. "You could've saved me!" You directed your anger towards Cas, giving him a shove.
"I'm sorry, (y/n). This had to happen." He looked upset.
"What do you mean?" You asked spitefully.
"If you didn't die, Sam and Dean wouldn't do their right thing. Their anger and grief is going to cause them to do something that will save a whole town." Cas answered you. You felt bad for getting mad at him.

"Cas, can I ask you a question?" Something had popped in your mind, and you needed answers.
"Ask me anything."
"What's going to happen to sam and Dean?" Cas's face fell, and he looked terrible.
"Three years from now, they're going to walk into a building full of demons. They'll be severely outnumbered. They won't make it out." Tears fell from your eyes and you hugged Cas.
"Connect our heavens. That way, we'll all be together again. Please, just do this one thing for me." Cas nodded and disappeared, leaving you alone with your tears.

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