Colder Weather Part 2

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Dedicated to @loulo101_tw, @DeathNoteAsh, and @casnip. 


As you walked down the street to the store, you thought about the past year. After leaving Dean, you'd found an apartment in small town Pennsylvania. It was cheap, comfortable, and far enough away to almost guarantee you wouldn't run into anyone from the Winchester family. At first, Dean would constantly call your cell phone, but you got rid of it after the first two weeks. You had friends in this town, ones who didn't have any idea of the monsters who moved around in the dark.

You entered the store and grabbed a cart. You started walking up and down the aisles, grabbing items off the shelves as you needed them. As you turned onto the next aisle, you froze. Standing in the middle of the aisle was none other than Dean Winchester and some guy with dark hair who you'd never seen before. The mystery guy looked up and saw you staring, then tapped Dean on the shoulder. Dean looked up and you saw the sadness flash in his eyes. Reluctantly, you walked towards them.

"Cas, this is my, uh, ex-wife, (Y/N). (Y/N), this is Cas." You shook hands with Cas, then turned to Dean.
"What the hell are you doing here?! I came here to get away from you, and yet here you are!" You said in a hushed voice so the other shoppers wouldn't hear. 
"Chill! We're here for a case. I didn't even know you were here!" You snorted. "I'm telling the truth. To be honest, I thought you were in Tennessee." 
"Whatever. Just leave as soon as you can." With that you walked away, but not before noticing that Dean was wearing your wedding ring on a chain around his neck. You forced yourself not to think about it as you checked out and headed home.


Three days later, and you still couldn't stop thinking about Dean. It was all his fault! If he hadn't shown up, you'd have no problem with continung on with your normal, somewhat boring life. That son of a bitch! And what was up with that guy named Cas? He definitely wasn't human, that was obvious. What had the Winchesters gotten themselves into now? 

A knock at the door interrupted your thoughts. You walked over and opened it up, revealing none other than Dean. God damn it. 

"What do you want? I thought I told you to leave." You narrowed your eyes at him, and he pushed his way inside.
"We need to leave, now." He told you as you shut the door. 
"No, you need to leave. There is no way in hell I'm going with you. When I left, it was because I never wanted to see you again. And you're making that incredibly difficult." You went on to mumble a few choice words, but Dean interrupted you. 

"Fine! If you want to die, then go right ahead. See if I care!" He crossed his arms as you stared at him wide-eyed. 
"There's a demon in town, and we're pretty confident that he's after you. He wants to get back at you for some hunt you went on quite a few years back. Unfortunately, you're the one who gave him a free ticket straight back to Hell." His voice was filled with worry. You sighed, knowing there was no way of avoiding this. 
"Alright. But I'm only staying with you until we gank this thing. After that, I'm leaving. Got it?" Dean shook his head. You quickly ran upstairs and grabbed the bag you kept ready in case anything like this ever came up. Contrary to what you thought, hunting wasn't something you could just throw away. It stuck with you until the day you died. You gave the bag to Dean and followed him out to the Impala. 


Dean wasn't easy to resist. How did you know that? Well, you began hunting again.

After ganking the demon, you'd decided to stay for a couple weeks to make sure it was safe to go back. Those couple weeks turned into a month, then three, then six. You joined Team Free Will, as Sam, Dean, and Cas called themselves, and that was where you knew you'd stay. You and Dean had started going on occasional dates, but nothing more. You made him promise that you wouldn't get married again. Girlfriend and boyfriend was as far as you would go. 

To be honest, you were happier now than ever. Why you had ever given up hunting in the first place was a mystery. The adrenaline rush, the satisfaction in saving people, it made you realize that this was where you belonged. 

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