Childhood Friends- Dean x Reader

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It's midterm week, so I won't be posting any after this until Monday, October 13th. Sorry, but I gotta study! I also have a ton of stuff to do this weekend. I promise I'll have something up on Monday!


You shut the door of your cherry red 1970 Chevelle SS and walked around to the trunk. You opened it, pulled out a rock salt gun, angel blade, and holy water, then shut it. You put the angel blade in your boot and put the holy water in your jacket pocket while carrying the gun.

The house in front of you was old, abandoned, and rotting. The front porch was falling in, debris lay all around the yard, and most of the windows were either broken or cracked. Dead rosebushes sat in the ground in front. There were a couple of old, rusty cars peeking out from the back of the house.

Signs of demonic activity had pointed you to this exact location. You were sure that a demon was responsible for the incident that had occured in this town. A man had murdered his wife, then after he'd been arrested, he said he didn't even remember doing it. The thing was, all evidence pointed toward him. He hadn't even attempted to cover it up. When you'd gone to talk to the man, he'd said that a large black cloud had been circling around, and that was the last thing he remembered. Therefore, demons. 

As you were walking up the path, you heard a muffled scream come from inside the house. You paused for a few minutes, then heard it again, this time slightly louder. Without a moment's hesitation, you ran into the house, thinking the demon was torturing some poor, innocent citizen.

Once inside, you were able to hear somebody talking loudly, but you couldn't make out the words. You headed downstairs to the basement and skidded to a stop when you reached the bottom of the stairs.

Three men, two about your age and one a bit younger, turned around to face you. A slight hint of recognition flashed between you and the shortest one, but you pushed that to the side. You pulled the angel blade from your boot and took a defensive stance. 

A woman with black hair and green eyes sat tied down in an old metal chair. The tallest and shortest guys held a gun and holy water in their hands. "Are you hunters? Because if not, you won't live to see another day." 
"Chill, little girl. We're hunters." The tallest one said. You narrowed your eyes. 
"I'm not little! I'm the same age as you." They scoffed. "So I see you got to the demon before me. What's your names?" 
"I'm Sam, this is my brother Dean," He pointed to the one with piercing green eyes, "And over there is Cas." You remembered where you had seen Dean before.

"Dean? As in Dean Winchester?" Dean nodded his head cautiously. "No way! Remember me, (Y/N)? We were best friends in elementary school!" He smiled, finally putting the person to the face.
"(Y/N)! Wow, I didn't even recognize you! What happened to the glasses and super short hair?" Dean gave you a quick hug and you chuckled.
"Contacts. Better for hunting. And I grew out my hair." 

Cas coughed, and we all turned to look at him. "Um, I'm no expert at this, but shouldn't we take care of her?" He pointed to the demon in the chair. 
"Yeah... I guess we should. Hey (Y/N), right? Do you want to help?" Sam asked.
"Sure. What do you need me to do?"

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