Dance- Balthazar x Reader

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"C'mon (Y/N), it won't be that bad." You gave Dean a carbon copy of Sam's bitchface and crossed your arms. Sam and Dean were leaving town for a hunt and had told you to stay. You would've been fine with it, except they'd gotten Balthazar of all people to stay with you. 
"Oh yeah, leave me with the perverted French angel. That sounds like an amazing plan." You protested. Dean ruffled your hair and waved. 
"Don't worry, you'll be fine. It's only for tonight. Sam and I will be back before you know it." He left the bunker and you heard the Impala speed off. Great.

When you turned around, you ran right into Balthazar. He must've used his angel mojo to pop in. "Bonjour, love. Ready for some fun?" He held up a couple DVDs and an i-Pod. 
"I think I'll stay in my room for awhile." You sped off into your room, leaving Balthazar standing in the middle of the living room.

You sat on your bed, reading a book. After a while, you kind of regretted leaving Balthazar alone. If Dean thought you'd be okay with him, then you probably would be. You put your book down and made your way out to where you'd left the angel. 

Music was coming from the i-Pod dock. You instantly recognized the song as Sweet Caroline by Neil Diamond. Looking around, you found Balthazar on the couch with his eyes closed. You knew angels didn't sleep, so you tapped his shoulder to get his attention. He opened his eyes and sat up. 

"Sorry, I was just-" You stopped him in the middle of his sentence.
"It's fine. I'm sorry about being so rude to you earlier. I've had bad experience with angels, and I thought it would be the same with you. I was wrong."  You gave him a hug, and when you let go, he grabbed your hand.
"Let's dance. I know you like this song." He was right.
"I can't dance." Balthazar laughed.
"Well, then I'll teach you. C'mon." He led you to the open area of the living room and began to twirl you around. Balthazar told you to let him lead, so you did. 

By the end of the night, you were a lot better at dancing than before. As you swayed to the last song, you looked up at Balthazar and smiled. "Thank you. Tonight was fun"
"Oh, it was no big deal." The two of you made eye contact for a second, then he leaned down and touched his lips to yours. 


This was terrible, but I really wanted to get something out there for you guys. 

So, I have some news for you guys. I'm participating in NaNoWriMo, so I probably won't be updating this story very much next month. I just wanted to warn you, so you don't freak out. But as soon as its over, I'll go back to updating regularly.

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