Movie Night- Kevin x Reader

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You lay in bed with your foot propped up on a pile of pillows. During the last hunt, you'd clumsily stepped on a piece of glass while running from a vengeful ghost. Your foot had gotten cut pretty badly, and it hurt to even wiggle your toes. So Dean had wrapped it up in gauze after stitching it up.

Dean and Sam were away on another hunt a few states over and weren't expected to be back for a couple days. Because of this, Kevin had been placed in charge of your well-being. You felt bad since Kevin already had enough on his plate, what with translating the tablet and all. 

"Hey, mind if I come in?" A soft knock came from outside the door and it opened, Kevin peeking his head through. 
"Not at all. I was just about to watch a movie, if you want to join." You told him, and he thought for a moment. 
"What movie?"
"Guardians of the Galaxy." His eyes lit up.
"Sure, why not?" You smiled in victory.
"Can you get the popcorn? As you can see, I'm a bit crippled at the moment." You asked before he sat down. He nodded his head before disappearing to the kitchen. 

Kevin returned with the popcorn, as well as some candy. He sat down beside you on the bed and you scooted over to give him more room. Kevin took the remote from your hands and started the movie. 

Over the course of the movie, you had leaned closer to Kevin until your head was on his shoulder. You were content to lay there for the rest of the night. He tried to get up once the movie was over, but you pulled him back down. "Please stay..." You whispered, and he agreed. That was where you fell asleep.

When Dean and Sam came back early the next day, that was how they found the two of you. Kevin had his arm around your shoulder while you rested your head on his chest. The two hunters silently closed the door and left with smiles on their faces to get some sleep of their own.

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