Guitar Solo- Dean x Reader

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You pulled out your guitar, grateful to finally have some time to yourself. Sam had left yesterday to stay with Kevin for a couple days, and Dean had just left five minutes ago to go on a supply run. It was quiet in the bunker, just the way you liked it.

Strumming a couple notes to get warmed up, you began to sing.

"I can feel her heart beat from a thousand miles
And the heavens open every time she smiles
I'm runnng to her, that's where I belong
I'm running to her, like a river song"

You finished the song, your voice creating an echo in the large room. Suddenly, you heard clapping from behind you, and you turned to see who it was.

"Wow. I didn't know you could sing like that!" Dean commented.
"What are you doing here? I thought you were on a supply run." If looks could kill...
"Forgot my wallet. Anyway, I'm glad I did. You sound amazing." He complimented you, which was a rarity.
"You really think so? I mean, you're not just saying that to make me feel better, are you?" You had always thought you sounded like a dying cat, which is why nobody had ever heard you sing before. Until now.
"Of course not!" Dean assured and you began to blush. "Can you sing something else for me?"

"I don't know..." You weren't exactly comfortable with singing in front of people.
"For me, please?"
"Okay." You muttered, and thought for a moment. What should I sing? Then you had an idea. "Alright, here goes..." You strummed your guitar and began to sing.

"I'm groovin' on the inside with wasted Jamie
I truly never knew anyone could phase me
Soon I'm gonna tell her that she's drivin me crazy
And I'm grooving on the inside with wasted Jamie

All summer I waited 'til I played it right
So half-faded on a Wednesday night
I stumbled on a brand new song
now I'm wondering, how I'm gonna make it through
Another day without you, how am I gonna get along

'Cause I'm groovin' on the inside with wasted Jamie
I truly never knew anyone could phase me
Soon I'm gonna tell her that she's driving me crazy
And I'm groovin' on the inside with wasted Jamie"

Dean began to sing along with you. You smiled t him, and he returned it.

"And when Sunday comes along, I'll be traveling on
But I'm trying to find the words to make you stay
But the harder that I try, you won't even meet my eye
So here's to you, I'll be true, it's the only way

And now I'm groovin' on the inside with wasted Jamie
I truly never knew anyone could phase me
Soon I'm gonna tell her that she's driving me crazy
And I'm groovin' on the inside with wasted Jamie

I'll be strong, I'll wait for you all night long
Girl I'd never do you wrong, do you wrong"

"That was great!" You didn't care that Dean was a bit off-key. That was the most fun you'd had in weeks.

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