Fighting with Your Parents- Lucifer x Reader

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You grabbed your backpack and ran out the door, heading nowhere in particular. It was always what you did after fighting with your parents, and this time had been worse than usual. You followed the sidewalk to the middle of town, where it was busy and nobody would notice you. Sure enough, everybody just kept to themselves, either staring straight ahead or looking at their phones.

As you walked, you muttered under your breath quietly so nobody would hear you. "I fucking hate that family! They can all rot in Hell, for all I care!" All you wanted to do was hang out with your one and only friend for a couple hours. Your parents turned it into a whole big thing about them not trusting you, not taking care of your responsibilities, and that you never spent any time with them. Responsibilities? Really? You were getting straight As in school, as well as keeping your room clean at home. And c'mon, not spending enough time with them? Maybe if they spent a little more time at home than at work, it wouldn't be a problem! 

You made it to the woods behind the pharmacy and spotted the path. The leaves cast shadows over the well-worn dirt, and small patches of sunlight dotted the ground. Just ahead, there was a large oak tree, perfect for sitting in and ignoring the world. As you walked, you began to hear the faint sound of a second pair of footsteps. You turned around to chck, but nothing was there. You shrugged it off as stress from the fight with your parents. But then you heard it again. You began to run through the woods, your backpack slowing you down. Out of nowhere you tripped and landed on your face. Everything went black.


You opened your eyes and looked at your surroundings. Everything was gray; The walls, the floors, even the small table at the other side of the room. When you looked down, you discovered your hands had been tied up with rope. The rope was tight, and you couldn't get your hands out. "Help! Somebody, please. Help!" The door opened, and a man stepped out. 

"Look who's finally awake. You know, I hought you were going to die, but I guess I was wrong." He had short brown hair and light blue eyes. He spoke in a deep southern accent, so he obviously wasn't from around here.
"What do you want? I haven't done anything to you!" You pleaded and he just laughed. 
"Why, you didn't do anything. I'm just here to have a little fun!" The man pulled a small knife from his pocket and twirled it around in his fingers. "Shall we get started?"

At that precise moment, another man ran through the door. "Stop it right now Zach!" Zach stopped and turned to your saviour. 
"Well, well, if it isn't Lucifer, here to ruin all of the fun." He put the knife back in his pocket and smirked at the other man.
"I've told you this before. She is not to be harmed!" 
"Aw, does Satan have a crush on a puny little human? How sweet! Well, that's too bad." Zach took the knife and turned around to stab you, but Lucifer got to him first, sinking his own knife into his back. Zach dropped to the floor, and Lucifer cut the rope from your hands. You jumped into his arms, hugging him tight. Tears streamed down your face.
"Thank you! You saved me..." He smiled down at you. 
"Let's get you home."


I really like this one. And guess what? PART TWO!!! I'm gonna go work on that right now.

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