Deal With the King- Crowley x Reader

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You walked into the diner and looked around. Finding no male sitting alone with a white rose, you found an empty seat and sat down. You had decided to take a night off from your usual hunting lifestyle and go on a blind date instead. It wasn't normal for you, but you wanted to try it out. 

After ten minutes of waiting, you were beginning to get restless. Patience wasn't one of your strong points. You were about to get up when somebody came in holding a white rose and sat at the bar. Without getting a good look at their face, you walked up and sat next to him. "Are you Kevin?" You asked.
"That would be me." The man replied in a scottish accent.

"Crowley! Give me one good reason I shouldn't rip your heart out right here right now." You growled. You'd recognize that voice anywhere. During the one time you'd actually worked with other hunters, you'd run into the King of Hell twice. 
"Well darling, there are people around. You wouldn't want them to think you're a murderer, do you?" He said sweetly. You hated that he was right. If you were going to kill him, it couldn't be done here. "Anyway, I'm here to make a peace offering."
"And why the hell would I listen to anything you say? You're the fucking King of Hell- Therefore, you're at the top of my 'to kill' list." You so badly wanted to take the knife out of your waistband, but you held back. "Fine. You have my attention. But this better be good." He smiled victoriously.

"I have a deal for you. There's been a lot more problems with rogue demons ever since the Winchesters came into existence." Winchesters? That was the name of those hunters you'd worked with a while ago. Crowley leaned in closer. "I need someone to take care of the ones who disobey." He practically whispered.
"Why me? Why not some other hunter?" You retorted.
"(Y/N), you are the best hunter out there. Most get lost through the emotions. But you, you live for the adrenaline rush of cutting off a vampire's head, exorcising demons, and burning ghosts." Crowley was right. The hunter's life had never left you depressed and without a reason to live. Instead, it gave you an adrenaline rush that you had quickly become addicted to.

"What's in it for me?" You asked him. 
"A guaranteed spot in Hell. Not to be tortured though. You would be a higher rank than most demons who've been with me for hundreds of years." 
"Why would I guarantee myself a spot in Hell when Heaven would be just as happy to have me?" Crowley laughed. 
"You don't actually believe that, do you?" He could tell by the the look on your face that you did. "Ha! Sweetheart, all hunters go to Hell. Us demons make sure of it!" He paused while you mulled over this realization. "So, do we have a deal?"

A deal with the King of Hell. Five years ago, you wouldn't have even considered it. But here you were, contemplating the pros and cons. Not that you could truly find any cons. This was no different than what you did now. The only difference is that you'd have a high-ranking spot in Hell while the rest of the hunters would be tortured. You realized that if you turned down this deal, it would be the biggest mistake of your life.

"On one condition." You told the King of Hell. 
"And what would that be?" It wasn't a sarcastic reply like you'd expected from him.
"I still get free will. And no hell hounds come for me in ten or however many other years." 
"Of course. You get to live out your long, happy hunter's life until you're sitting in your rocking chair on a porch, enjoying the world. And you don't need to worry. You still get free will. Just consider this a life-long job." 
"I'll take your deal." Crowley leaned in and kissed you. You didn't kiss back. It was only to seal the deal. "I'll find you tomorrow and give you your first assignment. Be ready." With that, he disappeared. 

Letting out a deep sigh, you walked to your car and got in. Tomorrow started your first day of working for Hell. You couldn't wait to gank some demons.


Hello! So this is my favourite imagine I've ever written. Would you guys take the offer if this was actually offered to you? I would!

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