Fighting for the Girl- Balthazar, Castiel, Gabriel, Lucifer x Reader

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You sat at the desk in your room, writing in your journal. Tapping the pen you were using against your face, you thought about how to write what you were feeling. Finally, it hit you.

Dear Journal,

Balthazar, Castiel, Gabriel, and Lucifer all want me to decide who I want to date by the end of the week. They're crazy! I love all of them, and I don't want to choose. 

Balthazar has a deep, lovely voice, and I love hearing it. He is so romantic. The other night, he took me to dinner at a French restaurant. He was very chivalrous, pulling out my chair, opening the door for me, then walking me to my house afterwards. Balthazar knows how to treat a woman respectively. Not to mention that he's so sexy, but that's a story for another time.

Cas is so sweet. His innocence is very adorable. I love running my hands through his already messy hair while we watch TV. Another thing I love to do with him is watch movies. He's still learning how to survive on Earth, and teaching him the basics is one of my favourite things to do. And while I'm teaching him about Earth, he teaches me about Heaven.

Gabe is the funniest person I have ever met in my whole life. He is the trickster after all! He always knows how to brighten up my day. He makes me laugh so hard that my sides start to hurt. And I can't forget to mention his eyes. Those beautiful, bright eyes, the color of sunshine going through a glass of whiskey. I could get lost in those eyes any day.

Lucifer is the bad boy. The one who any girl's father is afraid of his beloved, angel daughter picking as her partner in life. He brings out the side of me that I'd never knew I had. With him, I feel like I can do anything. That's something I've never felt before. He gives me an adrenaline rush when I see him. 

Now that I've told you all of this, you can see my dilemma. I just want to be friends with them. Tomorrow, that's what I will tell them. 

Good night. 


I hoped you liked it. I'm terrible at describing things, especially people. 

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