Tablet Problems- Kevin x Reader

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"God, I can't take this anymore! I need a break!" Kevin forcefully slammed the tablet down and stalked into the kitchen. You watched from the couch and got up to follow him.

"You doin' okay?" You asked. Kevin was standing in front of the fridge, trying to decide what to eat. He took out one of those single-serve pies and doused it in whipped cream, ignoring your question. "Dean's gonna kill you if he finds out, by the way." He gave you a look.
"I don't give a crap what Dean does." Kevin set the pie down on the counter and stood there. You walked over to him and put your hand on his shoulder.

"Listen. Tell me what's bothering you." He took a deep breath to calm himself down and began to talk.
"I'm making hardly any progress! Reading the tablet is killing my head. It just doesn't seem worth the pain to me!" He raised his voice on the last sentence. You really felt bad for him.
"Kevin, trust me. It's worth it. Just think of all the good you're doing for the world!"
"Yeah, you're right." He admitted after letting what you said sink in. You gave him a hug and he returned it.
"I'll tell you what. Take the day off and come watch TV with me." Kevin smiled, picked up the pie, and followed you to the couch.

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