Chapter eleven. Family Arguments.

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When I got home I didn't say hi to anyone a I just ran upstairs and had a nice long, hot shower. Mum and Noah would both knock on the door and tell me to get out but I just ignored them and pretended to not hear them.

After about an hour the shower went cold as I had used up all the hot water. I had to get out. I changed into my pyjamas and went downstairs to get something to eat. I went into the pantry and found a packet of chips.

"Justin! I'm cooking dinner! You'll ruin your appetite!", she yelled and held out her hands for the chips.

I sighed and placed the packet in her hand. She nodded and placed them on the counter. I turned around and tried to get out without her noticing the bruises forming on me but of course she noticed.

"Justin wait! Come here.". she commanded and I did as I was told.

She ran her fingers lightly over my black eye. "What happened?", she asked and I pushed her away.

"Nothing. I tripped.", I said and hid my face.

Mum sighed. "I'm going to ring the school.", she said and picked up the phone.

"NO! Don't... they have nothing to do with this, I promise. ", I explained and took the phone off her.

She put her hands on her hips. "You're not in a gang are you?!", she yelled.

"OF COURSE NOT! oh and dinner's burning.", I told her and pointed to the frying pan on the stove.

Mum jumped and turned to her cooking and I used that as a break to escape this conversation. I ran out into the lounge room and found Noah playing with with his buzzlightyear action figure. When he spotted me he jumped up and latched onto my leg.

"DADDY DADDY DADDY!", he yelled with a smile.

"Hey you.", I said and sat down, picking him up and placing him on my knee.

"Where have you been?", he asked and frowned.

"I was naughty at school so I had to stay there until I was allowed to leave.", I told him and smiled.

Noah hit me on the arm. "That's for being naughty.", he said and crossed his arms.

I laughed. "Ow that hurt.", I lied and he nodded. Man he was growing up fast... and he had attitude.

I was about to say something but mum yelled from the kitchen. "DINNER"S READY!"

I carried Noah out to the table and put him in his seat as mum placed three bowls on the table. I sat down and fiddled with my fork. I wasn't hungry, even if it was spaghetti Bolognaise. After mum had set up she joined me at the table, sitting across from me.

"Justin don't play with your food.", she told me and just watched as I put a forkfull of food in my mouth.

"Better?", I asked with my mouth full, trying to be rude.

"Justin don't talk with your mouth full.", she told me off again.

I looked at Noah who was shaking his head at me. I put more food in my mouth. "Sorry.", I apologised with my mouth full again.

Mum hit the table with her hand. "Justin! If you want to be rude, do it in your room!", she yelled and pointed towards the stairs.

I rolled my eyes and stood up. "I didn't want dinner anyway.", I told her and loudly made my way to my bedroom.

I really wasn't in the mood to be told what to do, I'd had enough of that today.  I sat on my bed and studied the bruises on my arms and legs. Some of them were darker then the others but they all hurt the same.

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