37| Couples and Escape Plans

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The sky was bright blue and decorated with beautiful clear white clouds. Birds were chirping and dancing in the air, enjoying the peaceful and lovely day as well as the hundreds of students that were scattered all over the garden like ants. Everyone was either sitting in groups on picnic tables or running around with balls and sticks. It almost seemed like a normal school with normal people.

I couldn't help but to feel really good as I inhale the fresh and cozy air, refreshing my soul and body. The rich green grass beneath my feet was tempting me to lay down and make grass-angels while gazing at the sky. And if it wasn't for the warm hand that was holding mine, I would've run off and chased the wind.

As we continue walking, I looked up at the person that owned such a comforting grip only to smile. His brown eyes looked brighter due to the sunlight, which made them even prettier. The breeze was also flirting with his hair and I couldn't help but notice how long it got. It was no longer messy, he starting fixing it every day, making me suspect that he's doing it to impress me or something.

Although, as much as it looked nice, it didn't feel like him. So, I did the first thing in mind. I raised my hand and ruffled my hand through it.

He let out a laugh, glancing at me with a charming bright smile. "You know, usually when someone touches a strand of my hair, they'd be gone," he teased mischievously as I raise a challenging eyebrow.

I raised my hand again, only this time, I brushed it back in place. "Well, I'm not someone," I implied assertively.

He leaned his face closer to mine for a second. "Exactly," he whispered enticingly. I giggled feeling my cheeks burn as I push him away.

He chuckled again, though I couldn't help but fall for the way his laugh sounds. It was genuine and joyous. Right now, I felt the happiest I've ever been.

"Finally! There is the couple we all love and adore!"

My eyes darted ahead only to catch Luke and Joshua sitting on a picnic table, waiting for us. Luke was the first to see us and shoot us a playful wink. I instantly returned it with a cheerful grin as we get closer to them.

The perfect person that can ruin a moment? Right there!

Joshua turned around and smiled, for he was sitting backwards and staring at the sky peacefully. "Good morning," I said.

They greeted back. But then, Joshua smirked. "What took you so long? Were you busy doing some business?" he asked as if looking for trouble.

Sebastian placed a small bag of snacks in front of us — which he insisted on carrying — and went to grab a bottle of juice. "Maybe we were," he replied with a smirk of his own, shooting me a side glance.

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