Chapter 21

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I arrived at the Cullen's house and went up to the door. I pulled on the handle and to my surprise the door They're home! I ran inside calling out there names. "Jasper! Alice! Rose!" I called as I ran up the stairs. I tried every single door in the house hoping to maybe see Alice forcing Rosalie to try on clothes or Esme typing away on her computer looking for new furniture or Emmett watching the football in his room or Edward playing the piano. 

But I didn't. All of the doors were locked. Until I got to Jaspers. I slowly pushed the handle down and it opened. I pushed the door open only to see Jasper's head separated from his body, a giant wolf standing over him. "No! No! No! No!" I cried collapsing to the ground. "JASPER!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as the tears continued streaming down my face. 

I heard growling and looked up to see the wolf in a prancing stance before it lunged at me. "AHHHHH!" I screamed bracing myself. 

*End of dream*

"AHHHHHH!" I screamed as I felt myself being shaken. I snapped my eyes opened and saw my dad standing over me, concerned laced in his eyes. "D-Dad?" I stuttered as I sat up. "Jesus Ell. I thought you were getting better" He said and I sighed resting my head in my hand. "I'm sorry dad. I didn't mean to scare you" I apologised before looking up and running my hand through my hair as looked around my room. 

"It was about him wasn't it" Dad mumbled looking down at my duvet cover. "Who?" I questioned pretending I didn't know. "You know who I'm talking about Ell" Dad said rolling his eyes. "Oh. Yeah. I-It was" I admitted and he sighed. "You know...they aren't coming back right?" Dad said carefully as he looked at me. "Yeah dad. I know" I whispered closing my eyes. 

"Do you miss him?" Dad continued and I bit my lip as the tears began to come. "Everyday" I whispered back and dad sighed. "I'm sorry Ell" Dad said and I looked up at him. "What for?" I questioned. "For not trying hard enough to protect my daughters from getting their hearts broken" Dad said guiltily and I shook my head slightly. 

"It wasn't your fault dad. In all honesty it was mine. I fell head over heals for someone who didn't deserve my love" I said and he nodded. "Get some rest. You have school in the morning" He said standing up from my bed. I laid back and got comfortable as I closed my eyes. "Goodnight dad. I love you" I mumbled as he opened my door. "Love ya too" He said before I heard my door shut. 

*Play song*

I rolled onto my back and stared up at my ceiling before I climbed out of bed and sat on my windowsill seat as I stared out into the woods. I wonder if he is out there... or if he is even thinking about me...

Alice's P.O.V

2 months.

8 weeks.

60 days.

1460 hours.

87,600 minutes since we had left Forks. My family and I had moved to Vancouver where Carlisle was a surgeon at the local hospital. Edward had taken off to Brazil and we hadn't seen him since. Jasper has locked himself in his room and hasn't fed for about a month. "What is troubling you my love?" Pierre asked as I sat on our bed. 

"I'm worried about Jasper. He hasn't fed in a long time and he doesn't leave his room. It's like he doesn't have a will to live anymore" I said sadly, looking Pierre in the eyes. "I can understand why. Imagine you having to move away from me" He replied and I sighed as I nodded. "I suppose so. But it was their idea to move" I said back. 

"Well yes but in Jasper and Edward's minds, they're doing the right thing. They think they're a danger to Ell and Bella" He said and I nodded. "I'm going to talk to him" I said and Pierre nodded before he leaned up and pressed his lips to mine. I slip off our bed and walked down the hall to Jaspers room where I knocked on the door before entering to see him sitting on the couch in his room looking out the window. 

"Jasper" I said moving to sit next to him. His eyes where black and his hair was slightly disheveled. "You need to hunt" I said to him and he turned and looked at me with empty eyes. "What's the point Alice? I have nothing to live for" He replied and my heart broke at the statement. 

"If not for yourself then think of doing it for Ell. She wouldn't want you sitting here wasting away" I begged and he sighed before giving a small nod. I stood up and he did the same before we exited his room and walked out of our house that was near the woods. We sprinted into the trees and soon the smell of blood caught our noses. 

We ran towards it and discovered it to be a heard of deer. I lunched at a stag and tackled it to the ground before sinking my teeth into its neck and sucking the blood. After 15 minutes I was done and turned to see Jasper had finished too. "Still need more?" I said as he turned to me and he shook his head. 

"Jasper. You haven't fed in weeks. Are you sure yo-""I'm fine Alice!" He snapped and I sighed. "I'm sorry Alice. I've just been really stressed lately. Just being away from Ell. I can't stop thinking about her and then I remember what I did and what happened on her birthday and I can never forgive myself for that" He admitted sadly and I walked over to him placing my hand on his shoulder.

"You know Elise blamed herself for that night. She even tried to follow you out to make sure you were ok and when she and Bella left she told Esme that it wasn't your fault" I said and Jasper sighed. "I know. I felt like such a monster. I nearly killed her. The love of my life" He continued. 

"But you didn't" I replied.  

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