Chapter 56

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I pulled my blanket higher over me as I shivered. "You cold?" Edward asked and I nodded. "I've got it" Seth said before walking over to me. He gently lifted my legs before sitting down and placing them over his. He rested his hand on my side and I sighed as warmth came over me. "Don't do that" I heard Jacob say. 

"What?" Bella replied. "Smile like I'm your favourite person in the world" Jacob said. "You're one of them. It feels complete when you're here Jake" Bella said. She suddenly sat up gasping and Edward held the bucket in front of her. I sat up to check if she was alright and she sighed as her dry reaching stopped. "We need to find a way to get some food into their system" Esme said.

I sat up and took some deep breaths as the baby kicked and moved. "She moving again?" Jasper said and I nodded. "If I could only see the fetus'-""The babies" Rosalie said correcting Alice. "Maybe I could figure out what they want" Alice said from beside Seth. "I think you might be right. Jacob just had an idea" Edward said looking at Jacob. 

"It wasn't an idea. It was a snide comment" Jacob replied. "What were you thinking?" Carlisle said. "They're probably just looking for something to sink their teeth into" Jacob said. "They're thirsty" I said realising how much sense that made. "I know the feeling" Emmett said. "If they're craving they're not going to want animal blood" Edward said. 

"I have some O negative laid aside for the girls" Carlisle said before walking away. Jasper turned to me and I nodded at him giving him a reassuring smile. He sighed before standing up and walking away. "Walk with me" Alice said to Pierre before they left the room with Emmett trailing behind them. I heard Carlisle squeezing something and saw him pouring blood into two glasses. 

"Wait wait wait, you're gonna make them drink that?!" Jacob said disgusted. "Are you serious?!" Seth said looking just as disgusted. "It's the fastest way to test the theory" Carlisle replied. "Only if you two are comfortable with it" Edward said and I nodded eager to get something in my body. "I'll try anything" Bella said. "Just hold on" Edward said before walking away. 

"I think I'm going to be sick" Jacob said moving away from Bella. Edward returned with two styrofoam cups. He handed one to me and I took it in my thin hands. "These might make it a little easier to take" Edward said and I nodded. I looked at Bella before slowly bringing the straw to my lips. I began to sip and the blood filled my mouth. 

It was like I had just drunk a drink of the best water in the world. I swallowed it and felt a small burst of energy. "It tastes...good" I said looking at Esme. I hear someone enter the room and saw Jasper. He sat down beside me. I brought the drink to my lips again taking a bigger sip and sighed in content after swallowing it. 

Carlisle sat between Bella and I taking my wrist in his hand. "Your pulse is already getting stronger" Carlisle said as I took more sips and I smiled. "It's working" Esme said hopeful. After a few minutes I finished the drink and Carlisle took the cup from me. My body began to feel warmer and my exhaustion began to lesson and I smiled. 

"She liked it" I said turning to Jasper who smiled. He pecked my forehead and I leaned into him as he wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "I can feel your heart beat getting stronger" Jasper said. "I feel better" I said. "So it worked?" Seth said and I nodded and a smile made its way onto his face. 

Damaged. // Jasper HaleWhere stories live. Discover now