Chapter 1

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I woke up to the feeling of something heavy pressed against me. My eyes struggled to adjust to the dim light as I tried to assess what was weighing me down. When I looked over, I realized it was Hunter who had his leg across me.

We'd been together for three and a half years now. Things were going steady between us. In the past year or so we'd started sleeping in the same bed. It felt natural.

I nudged him with my elbow.

Hunter stirred from his sleep.

"You're heavy," I whispered.

I felt him pushing my hair around. It had grown down to my waist over the past few years. It was long and blonde and vibrant. I felt healthy.

"And your hair is in my mouth," he said sputtering. "I think we're even."

Hunter sat up and his electric blue eyes met mine. He leaned over to give me a kiss, it started off as a soft peck on the lips, but then he dipped his head and placed slow sensual kisses down my neck. I felt his teeth graze lightly over the delicate skin.

Only recently, maybe in the past six months or so, had our relationship turned physical. Hunter had never pressured me. Everything progressed naturally between us.

His hand was slowly pushing my shirt up when he froze in place.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Someone's coming," he said, jumping out of bed.

"You don't need to jump. They can just knock on the door."

He shook his head.

"Not one of us."

I looked at him confused.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't know if these guys are friendly or not and I'm not sure how they found us. C'mon put some clothes on. We might have a fight on our hands," he said.

Hunter pulled on some pants on top of his boxers and didn't even bother putting a shirt on. I slipped out of my pajamas and put on real clothes.

I'd spent the last three years training my powers. My abilities had been perfected to the most minute nuances imaginable. The only aspect of my powers that I still struggled to control was my ability to control perfectly fire. I figured it was because the ability had been acquired and it wasn't genetic. Still, I'd managed enough over the past couple of years that I could hold my own with or without it. I wasn't afraid, but I was definitely cautious.

He didn't even bother going out of the door - the next thing I knew he had jumped out of the window.

Since Hunter was running on adrenaline, I took the logical course of action and woke up the others. Ayana and Dziko emerged from their room, followed by Ken. We headed out of the front door and walked up behind Hunter.

"You see anyone?" I asked.

He shook his head.

"Not yet. But I sense them."

I watched his face carefully. He was concentrating and a look of astonishment came across his face. Just as I was about to ask what he was thinking about, I was distracted by the sound of ground moving beneath me.

I watched as Dziko covered her body with rocks that had been buried beneath the ground. Her hands, forearms and chest were covered. As she used her powers, I felt the invisible connection we had stir. Instinctively, I followed her lead. My right arm and was covered in ice, but my left arm began to heat up. I still had scars from the injury that caused me to be able to control fire.

Chronicles of the Unknowns: InterventionWhere stories live. Discover now