Chapter 17

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I ran up to her, with my arms wide open. I couldn't stop myself. After all of these years, I had been reunited with my friend. We'd left on rocky ground, but I assumed she was just as happy and relieved to see me as I was to see her.

Boy was I wrong.

She put her hand up and fired a blast of energy at me. It hit me full on in the chest, knocking me back several feet. My butt skidded across the floor, with my hands scraping against the shattered glass. I looked at my palms. They were bloody now. I noticed the energy has burned a hole in my shirt. It was about the size of a soccer ball right in the middle of my chest leaving my skin exposed. One wrong move and I'd show off everything I had to the entire world. The only good thing was that my skin hadn't been burned in the process, only the clothing.

Ken helped me up from the ground. I picked out as much glass as I could and he stepped in between me and Myra. He took off his shirt and silently handed it to me behind his back. Ken wasn't the type of person to embarrass someone. I quickly pulled it over my head, grateful.

"You know her?" Ken asked.

"She's one of the people who trained me when I first discovered my powers. She took me in when I had nowhere else to go. She's a good person. A good friend," I told him.

"You sure about that?" he muttered.

I stepped around Ken and saw Myra looking at us with her arms crossed over her chest.

"I know all about your adventures in Russia, Daisy Lynn. Just because you dye your hair a little doesn't mean that I won't recognize you. I know those energy waves from anywhere," she said.

"I don't understand the hostility," I told her.

"Your little group are the last stragglers that are supporters of the Supreme. If you haven't heard there's a new leader in town. Someone who isn't a complete authoritarian dictator."

"Giovanna," I said.

Myra nodded.

"Listen Myra, I get that you had your reservations about the Supreme, but I don't see why you think we're not on the same side. Ken and I are here to rescue Unknowns just like you are. We're fighting for everyone's freedom," I said.

"Reservations? I hated her. Her and every single person who made up her entire system. From the Court to the Enforcers right down to the pathetic Scouts. Giovanna wiped them out. And unlike the Supreme, Giovanna has given me a small piece of her power which has increased my abilities quite a bit," Myra said.

"Given you...? How is that possible?" I asked.

"C'mon I know she had a little chit chat with you Daisy Lynn. She uses energy. Magical energy. And what's my power? That's right. Raw energy. It's a win-win situation. I get a little extra juice and do what I love the most - fight, and she has more ammunition to her cause."

Then it hit me. Giovanna had told me that she would send someone to get my final answer about joining her cause. She'd said she would eradicate anyone and anything that stood in the way of her goals.

"Myra do you really believe I would side with someone who's willing to kill other people simply for disagreeing with them? You really think I see things the way Giovanna does?" I asked.

"No, I don't believe you would ever side with Giovanna. I don't understand why because you so easily sided with the Supreme. Had it been Giovanna in power and the Supreme usurped her then you'd be on Giovanna's side right now."

"Their actions might be similar, but their motivations seem miles apart. I don't think there was a truly malicious bone in the Supreme's body. I do think that Giovanna has dark intentions," I said.

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