Itachi's Ending Part#1

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It eerily silent, not even the sounds of the people outside, if any, were heard. Perhaps it was the fact that it was dark already, but the silence seemed too thick and unbearable. The Uchiha brothers had retired for the day, and although they had been seating down, Itachi’s eyes trailed to his brother who had yet to eat his meal that had been prepared a while ago. Itachi sat opposite him with a calm gaze, studying his brother’s facial expressions. Although Sasuke’s monotone expression did not betray his real emotions, he knew which thoughts plagued his brother’s mind.

Taking a long and deep breath, the older brother rose to his feet already coming to a final decision. “That would be foolish.” Those words left his lips as his gaze returned to his brother. “It took so much effort to obtain the Village’s forgiveness that it would be foolish to throw it away.”

Upon the comment, a glare was directed toward his brother before Sasuke hissed. He knew that, and it was pathetic that be was hesitating as to what to choose. He knew the consequences if he left, but what about you?

“Remain in the village, I will take care of the rest.” He walked forward to where his brother was seating, and then bent down only to poke Sasuke’s forehead and adding a small smile.

“No.” Sasuke scowled standing up and forgetting his meal. “I’ll come with.”

“Like I said, I will take care of it there isn’t much that you can do, now can you?” Despite being able to move around, Sasuke was still injured and could leave, but he wouldn’t get far if he tried. “Remain here, and I will bring her back little brother.” Without wasting any more time, the older Uchiha left the village with a goal; bring you back to Sasuke…But…Was that really the real reason?

Besides, since he once belonged to the Akatsuki, there still were connections that will be useful. With that in mind, he set out, away from the Leaf Village. Although he had a trail as to where you last had been, he had knowledge of the surrounding villages near that place and he would find as much information as possible. Surely, there had to be evidence as to where you were and where you were going.

During the two weeks, he made sure to investigate the surrounding villages only to find nothing. As he had planned, he made sure to contact people, people who knew everything and along them was an informant who had agreed to meet up with him. All of that however, took longer than he anticipated, and a month and three weeks passed.

When the location that they had agreed to meet at came in view, Itachi calmly watched the surrounding to make sure that it was no trap. Once that was clear, the informant, a man, joined him. “Listen,” the man obviously intimidated by the Uchiha began, “after I give you what I gathered I want nothing to do with you. Alright?” But with a glare that was sent his way, he swallowed a big lump of saliva. “In the next village, a woman was brought to the hospital and from what I gathered, she was in a comma. Since no money was given, she was at risk of being kicked out whether she was recuperated or not. When she was going to be kicked out, she woke up but as soon as that happened, he injuries simply banished. I suppose that must be her?”

Itachi’s eyes narrowed breaking that unreadable expression on his face. “What happened her after that?”

The man frowned wanting to get out of Itachi’s presence as soon as possible. Who wouldn’t be afraid of Itachi? That man was said to have died and yet, it was then said that he had cheated death. “The doctors mentioned that she just got up, gathered her things and left. Listen, I talked to others and they mentioned that she changed her appearance, and does that whenever she arrives at a village.  She doesn’t stay in one place for too long, and for a good reason. There are other still behind her trail, so I suggest you try to find her as soon as possible.”

Why even bother asking who were these people when he had an idea. Glaring at the male as a silent warning, the Uchiha banished from the spot and continued the journey to find you. You must have a head start, but with close to no rest, that wouldn’t be a problem.

However, as he traveled, thoughts crossed his mind. If he had to be honest with himself, he found the reason why decided to find you instead of Sasuke. His heart jumped, skipping a beat as your image plagued his mind. During the time, he lived with you and Goro, he could not deny the uncontrollable feeling of calmness and content when he lived with you. He lived for a while with you, he came to enjoy your company and beautiful persona. Despite living such life, you still managed to offer, share your happiness with others and he was included. You always made sure to make him feel welcome, a feeling of home warmed his chest. He got used to that, and now as he searched for you, he missed that feeling. Despite wars poisoning the earth, never had he thought of having his own home with someone who would make him feel the way you did. You had no idea how your simple touch made him feel, he yearned for it, the way you would smile at him as your hand could caress his face. How you would hug him tightly, his heart drowning in warmth as he felt the tranquility of your beating heart. Those simple actions were enough to make him feel joy, and in happiness, happiness that lacked his life for years. Perhaps he had been selfish to drown himself in such pleasure, but his mind and heart controlled his actions.

Sighing, he slowed down as his hand grasped his chest as if a knife had wounded his heart. As much as his heart throbbed at your memory, he remembered his purpose as to why he came to find you. Not for him, not so that he could find in you the home that he always wanted, nor the warmth that radiated from you. He would find you, and as much as his heart ached, he had to convince himself once more that he came to find you so that he could bring you back to his brother. Because even if a part of his beating organ broke in half as that mere thought, if his brother was happy, so was he.

But…Would you be willing to accept his offer?

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