Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

I quickly walk away from Bas and walk towards him. He was looking at me like I steal something from him, something precious.

"Easy there tiger, we're just having a little fun. " I tap his shoulders when I pass by his side and he look at Bas, who was smiling at him and quickly hugged him.

"I miss you so much, P' Godt!"

I watched as Godt welcome Bas in his arms and returned his hug tightly, no one wants to let go of the other. They stayed like that for about 10 minutes and I'm not complaining since this is the first time in 5 months they finally see each other face to face not just behind the screen of their phones.

"I'm still here for both of your informations!" I sarcastically said sitting on the seat near me while resting my chin on the back of my hand looking at them.

They both just laugh at me and once again ignoring me while pressing both of their foreheads together lost in each others eyes. Great! Just great!

I slowly stepped away and turn on the light surprising Bas since he didn't expect a surprise from his beloved. The whole rooftop was lighten up by the pink fairly lights, the sound system started playing slow music and I hand over to Godt the bouquet of 99 roses he brought with him when he arrived.

"Enjoy the night, love birds..." I bid my farewell, both just smiled at me and I can see tears in Bas eyes feeling so happy because of the sudden surprise. He thought both of them will just see each other and talk while having a good dinner but no, Godt had other plans far from his expectations.

I quietly exited the rooftop and came down to the cafe hoping to have the same sweet night of my life. Just by looking at my angel is enough.

I look through the windows if he is still there then my face literally lit up when I saw him. I carefully enter the cafe trying not to be noticed by him since I don't want to ruin both of our lovely night.

I went and seated where Bas and I was sitting awhile ago , where I can see him but he won't see me since I'm sitting at the corner away from the front of the cafe where everyone are.

He was enjoying his lemon custard cake slice while reading a book that has the title of Film and Media : 20th Century. Is that a worktext? Is he still a student then?

I called for the waiter and told him to give my regular order since I was always eating here when I feel like it. It looks like I'll be here always.

My chocolate KitKat parfait just arrive and now I'm enjoying the looking at something sweet while eating something sweet. I'm having my own version of a perfect night because of my angel accompanying me without knowing.

Suddenly his phone lit up, maybe receiving a text from someone, there it is again, those dimples when he shows his bright smile while happily typing something, forgeting that he still need to study. But good thing he didn't forget to eat his cake and he is still enjoying it.

I was enjoying the view when suddenly the front doors of the cafe opened and a beautiful lady came in. I just stare at her for a minute since the door is blocking me from looking at my future who is sitting near it.

She was looking around, trying to look for someone still blocking my view and I was ready to stand up and push her away from standing there but something stopped me.

My angel is waving his hands and calling her, trying to catch her attention.

Who the heck is she?


Thank you for reading kab~

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