Chapter 38

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Chapter 38

I can't stop yawning even though I already entered my third class for the day. This was one of the classes that May and I both attend even though we're from different departments.

The truth is I'm already late for this class because I took a short nap on my first class and since my second class was using the same classroom I decided to continue my sleep. It's fine since our professors from both courses left a note at door informing us that both classes were self-thought periods. Maybe this class is also the same.

A couple of my classmates greeted me and I just waved at them since I don't have enough energy to reply.

"Dude, are you OK?" The moment I lazly sat on my seat, May softly tap my right shoulder. "Why are you such a yawning mess?"

I placed my bag on the table so I can use it as a pillow before answering her question closing my eyes. "I stayed up all night yesterday."

"Why? We didn't have any homeworks to be passed today, right?" She started to panic opening her notes incase she missed a sticky note or reminder regarding an assignment. When she found none I stopped her before she stands up and ask our classmates.

"We don't. *yawn* I just finished editing my video *yawn* project on videography 101 class."

"Video? Aren't you a month early?" She looked at me disbelief.

"Uh huh, *yawn* I'm afraid if I don't finished it now, I *yawn* might accidentally forget what I planned for it."

I felt her move to grab something from her bag and placed it near my face. I opened my eyes half heartedly when I felt a cold breeze.

"Here, I think you need it more that I do." May then continued sketching a floral cocktail dress on her sketch pad.

"Thanks." I lazly sit-up before taking a sip, It was her favorite ice coffee that she personally made and poured inside her scarlet tumbler.

As I was drinking, seven second years entered the classroom and everyone automatically quiet down, returning to their seats. The reason why I knew they are second years is that P'Tee was the first one who entered and stood at the middle. The other six went to their assigned positions.

The seven sophomores wore different colored neckties that is based on their departments. They also have white shash (placed on their shoulders) with the name and logo of their departments printed on it.

"I feel blessed today~" A female classmate of mine whispered under her breath and since almost everyone heard her, my female classmates began giggling to themselves.

Even though I'm a guy, I understand what she meant.

All the sophomores are good looking and have different unique charisma. All of them are smiling but the last person surprised me to see him standing there with the other sophomores.

"Good Day Freshmen!" They greeted simultaneously.

"Today is the first day of the annual Freshmen Welcoming orientation." P'Tee stepped forward and begun explaining the reason for the said event.

When he was finished, he took a step backward and the second year from the farthest left step forward. "Before we announced the event scheduled for today, we would like to introduce ourselves. I'm Krist Perawat, Theater Arts Representative." Everyone clapped and some whistled, cheering.

"Gun Atthaphan, Fashion Arts Design Representative." May loudly clap her hands supporting her senior. P'Gun winked at her when he noticed her.

"Singto Prachaya, Media Arts Representative." I was ecstatic when I heard the news last week that P'Singto will be the representative of our department. He's one of the seniors I idolize since almost all his self-captured photographs are currently post on every Media Arts bulletin around the faculty.

"Tee Thanapon, Films Production Arts Representative." My classmates from P'Tee's department begun cheering for him and of course I also joined in since he's my cousin. I didn't noticed May stopped clapping.

"Godt Itthipat, Visual Arts Representative." I think some of my female classmates squealed when May's brother flashed her a smile. May replied rolling her eyes.

"Tae Darvid, Culinary Arts Representative." I might be exaggerating but I guess some of my female classmates shortly fainted from P'Tae's manliness.

And lastly. "Kimmon Warodom, Baking Pastry Arts Representative." He slightly tilt his head sideways and smiled resurrecting those who have fainted. And when he saw me, his smile widen.

Well his cupcakes were good so I guess that's why he became their representative.

"We also experienced it last year and our seniors prepared a lot of activities to welcome us." P'Godt spoke encouraging everyone.

"The list of activities are printed on this paper." P'Tae distributed the flyers with the name and schedule of every activities. "Please pass it on."

"Don't worry this year's activities will not be as hard..." P'Krist said smiling at everyone.

"We just made it harder." P'Gun added making me and my classmates groan.

I forgot that today was the first day of orientation and I don't have enough energy to participate for this event! Uhhhhhhh, this is going to be a long tiring day...


Told you there will be a lot of cameo! So what department are you guys joining? Because I can't choose, I would love to have all of them my handsome seniors!

Sorry for the late update, I was so busy with my studies and finally just finised my second year of college...

Thank you for those who waited! Stay safe and thanks for reading na ka~

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