Chapter 39

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Chapter 39

We were tasked to wear a plain white t-shirt when participating on the activities. Since I forgot today's event, I didn't bring the white t-shirt I prepared for it.

Now I'm currently on a mission to find my cousins hoping they brought an extra shirt that fits me.

"Come on P'Tee, pick up!" This is the third time I'm trying to call him but no avail.

“The number you have dialed is now unattended or out of coverage area. Please try again later....” Hayst!

I've been walking back and forth in front the comfort room near the football field (where all activities are being held) hoping to encounter one of them.

I only have 15 minutes before the second activity starts. Giant Volleyball is the activity at the moment and only selected freshmen which numbers were drawn from a fishball are participating from each departments. May is currently one of them.

Bas is also one of my options but then I saw him running towards the field holding up his hand. His number was also picked to play.

"Cop? Is there a problem?" I turn around to see P'Kim exiting the comfort room with a duffle bag hanging on his shoulder. A violet ribbon is wrapped around his head representing his department.

I also thought of asking him awhile ago after they went to our classroom but the sophomores were very busy earlier and needed to visit all the freshmen classrooms.

And I don't have his cellphone number.

"I been trying to reach P'Tee but he's not answering." I once again dialed P'Tee's number, still he didn't answer.

"Let me try." He pulled out his own phone contacting my cousin but soon after turn it off when there's no answer. "I also can't reach him. Do you need something from him?"

I nodded a little panicky. "I accidentally forgot to bring my shirt, kab. I was hoping I can borrow from P'Tee incase he brought a spare."

"Ahhhh why didn't you say so? You can borrow mine if you like." He drop his duffle bag on the nearby bench and pulled out a plain white shirt from it. "Here, go change. I'll wait for you."

"Thank you, P'Kim. I'll be quick." I gladly took it and rushed inside the comfort room.

After I change, I went out and saw P'Kim seating on the bench talking with someone on his phone. I didn't expect P'Kim to really stay there and wait for me. I thought he already went ahead.

I was having a hard time wrapping the black cloth with my number on it around my left sleeves, when I approached him. The moment he noticed my struggle, he turn off his phone and stood up. "I'll help you, Nong."

When our hands brush with one another, I felt a sudden static like I was shocked by electricity. I was about to asked P'Kim if he also felt it the moment I looked up but I became speechless when I noticed how our faces are just inches from each other. I can't help but stare at his face.

He's so tall that he's towering over me with his broad shoulders and gifted height. His eyes were so dark and clear that I can see myself from it. The structure of his nose and face were so manly at the same time very cute. His lips looked sweet because of its natural reddish color and I can smell his minty breath. And his hair, I'm imagining it to be so soft and fluffy, if only I can reach out and touched it. 

Is P'Kimmon always been so handsome and hot all this time?

"There~" He step back so he can grab his duffle bag and hang it to his shoulders. "Let's go?"

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