Chapter 29

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Chapter 29

When my classes finally ended I sat -more like melted- at my favorite seat at the cafeteria. I decided THAT specific day that this will be our usual place but since then I haven't seen my angel here though. I close my eyes from exhaustion cause now I can finally relax and take a short break before going to Carnillate. Hoping I can see him there.

"Are you dead yet?" Someone put a cold drink in my left cheek which made me jolt and almost punch that person.

I haven't answered his question when Copter sat at my side while handing me a can of ice coffee. I took it before he change his mind. He's here, he's finally here. I feel recharge already.

"Almost but--" you're here now, your angelic presence healed me, my angel.

"What's that?" He pointed at the box I put in front of me awhile ago.

There were a total of five pcs of cupcakes left when I finish my presentation but I gave away three to my other professors and I still have two more inside the box.

"Cupcakes. I made it " I took it out the box and placed near him. "You want some?"

He looked at it while I watch how his face changes, his eyes shines and there was a smile slowly showing up his face.

"You made those?" I nodded still not taking my eyes off him. "You don't look like someone who can bake."

"What do I look like then?" I lean in a little closer to him but far enough so he won't notice and freak out. He just shrug his shoulders before answering. Wasn't he angry at me earlier today? Nevermind, I don't wanna ask.

"You look like a theater arts student like Bas also cause P'Tee choose you to be the main lead..." Yeah right, more like force me to be one. "... or in the visual arts department like P'Godt." He answered that with full honesty in his voice. Then he paused.

"If you're going to ask if I'm a culinary chef like Tae, then no. I'm a pastry chef, a soon to be patisserie. Believe it or not." I stated making me think.

Does this means he thought about me? Shetz, I don't know what makes me even more happy; him being here or that he was thinking about me. What did I do that made this day the way it is?

"Are they poisonous?" He ask very suspicious of my well made cupcakes.

"Just because I baked it that doesn't mean it's poisonous." He took his eyes away from it just to stare at me, trying to found out if I'm kidding. Why would I?

"It looks too good to be true." I smiled at his comment while he still examines my face. Still not believing, my angel? I may or may not be a hot devil in a hot guy's clothing but that didn't mean I should kill my only angel.

"Well thanks cause it is." I stated proudly and that earned a raised eyebrow from him.

"Oh really?" I nodded.

I stood up then went to the nearest counter where the utensils where kept. I grab one fork then went back beside him. He just watch me, silently.

I slice a good portion from the cupcake then ate it. The whole time he was just staring at me. Maybe waiting for the 'poison' to kill me but that didn't happen.

"See no poison. Now your turn." I took another slice from it then place it in front of his mouth. He look at it for a second before leaning in.

If fireworks can come out of his eyes, it already did. He always shows me a smirk or a sarcastic smile in the past but what he showed me was the sweetest and most truthful smile I ever saw from him. That shook my poor heart.

"Wow that's amazing!" He took the fork that I was holding then sliced another piece. "Is this Amaretto Apple  Cupcakes or something?"

I nodded and his smile only grew.

I watch in amusement as he ate the whole cupcake and motion him to finish the rest. He took the offer very gladly and dig in.

"Cute as always, my angel." I whispered.

"How did you know about it? This is very rare recipe cause only a few can nailed it." He said almost finishing both cupcakes. The truth is, it's not rare also many can make it but I didn't said anything, don't wanna burst his bubble.

"You're just a picky eater, Cop."


Can you guys guess what departments or speciality does the characters are in?  [Clue : They're all Arts Majors]

List of Characters
¬ Kimmon
¬ Copter
¬ Bas
¬ Godt
¬ Tae
¬ Tee
¬ May

Thanks for reading kab~

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