Chapter 28

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Chapter 28

"At your service." I said bowing to him a little. There was a slight amusement in his eyes but it vanish so quickly that I almost missed it. You like the polite type my angel? Lucky for you, I'm very much super extremely polite boyfriend to be. But I could also be dangerous if you want. Wink wink nudge nudge*

"Hey?" I was pulled away from my fantasy when Bas wave his hands in front of me. "Are you done daydreaming?"

"Umm yes?" I said kinda not sure if I am.

"Good cause you wanna hurry up or you're gonna be late for first period." Godt said to me while pointing at the wall clock, 7:47 am. I stare at it for a minute when realization hit me in the face. But more like Tae smack my head lightly with a stack of boxes.

"Really Kim you should hurry! Here!" He gave me the boxes then push me out trying not to bump to my angel, who is confuse of what's happening in front of him. The moment I was out I run for my life to my car.

I put the boxes beside me then drive as fast and carefully as I can. Even though I can get there in 5 minutes, I still need 10 more minutes to prepare everything and I don't have enough time. This is one of the reasons why I'm not in the mood this morning cause I didn't get enough sleep the night before and too tired to go to that production meeting.

I park my car to the nearest parking space in front of my faculty then quickly grab the boxes. I still have 7 more minutes to go up the stairs and do everything before Professor Chen arrived.

If I'm not in so much hurry I would have catch my breath when I enter the classroom but that can take a lot of time so I just fix the projector and my laptop.

The classroom door opened and I saw my classmates went in one by one then took their assigned seats. No one dared approach me cause they know if I'm this stress, I'm not someone worth talking to at the moment.

As soon as the bell rung Professor Chen went in carrying nothing just that cold-unsatisfied look in his face that I need to change somehow. I look at the boxes in front of me then took a deep inhale then exhale all my anxiety out. Here goes nothing...

"Goodmorning everyone." I wai at Professor Chen then nodded at my classmates who were focusing their eyes at the boxes that I slowly opened showing everyone what's inside.

"First of all, one should remember that there's a thin line between cupcakes and muffins." I started off. I'm so glad that my voice isn't breaking. "Cupcakes are made using the Cake Method; butter, sugar, eggs, then the dry and liquid ingredients were added alternately. While Muffins used the Muffin Method; two mixes are created: a mix of wet ingredients such as eggs, soft or liquid fat, milk and sugar and then a mix of dry ingredients like flour, leavening and flavorings like vanilla or mint. But even when there's a difference with how they're made, both pastries should be baked and taste perfectly. Today I made for everyone's taste buds a Amaretto Apple Streusel Cupcakes."

Inside there's small white boxes that I carefully distribute to my classmates before giving the single medium blue box to Prof Chen.

I watch as they all opened the box lid and took out the cupcakes that I put a lot of energy and effort to bake close to perfection last night." As you can see those cupcakes don’t include the dollop of frosting like any other cupcake, I instead substituted a bit of glaze. The texture also wasn’t quite as light and fluffy but it wasn’t dense like a muffin either but somewhere in the middle."

They examined it and I saw some of my classmates eyes twinkle with delight looking at it. That always happen to me, mostly when I saw a new pastry that I can taste then attempt to bake it as good.

I then shift my eyes at Prof Chen and he's expression of course didn't change. "A apple cupcake with a top of sweet-crunchy topping of almonds with brown sugar, then drizzle with glaze of powered sugar. The amaretto adds a more distinct almond flavor to the cupcakes."

"Both the apple and almond flavor are subtle but it is indeed present." I almost jumped with joy when I heard Prof Chen's remark about it. I took his words as a compliment since he don't really talk much when someone is presenting to him and just watch with those piercing-judgemental eyes.

My presentation went smoothly. I shown them how it's done with a video that I'm very much would want my angel to edit it for me since editing is not my forte but maybe next time when we have a more deeper relationship. I love that idea!

I finally finished before the bell rung and my classmates took out a 1/4 sheet of paper so they can put their comments and insights about my presentation and my cupcakes. Prof Chen then collected it before he went out of the class, he nodded at me and I happily wai at him.



Thanks for reading kab~

Update every Friday while on community quarantine 😉😄

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