Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

|Copter's POV|

I didn't bother looking back because I know she will catch up on me anyways. Why does she need to asked that?! I really hate it being mistaken as gay since I'm 100% straight.

"Why such a drama queen exit, Cop?" May tease me while poking my cheeks, that are still red not because I'm blushing but because I'm angry with her questions.

"I hate you... " I said lightly but she just pinch my ears still there was a smile on her face.

"I love you too!"

I felt a sudden stab on my chest when she said that. No you don't, as friends maybe but as something else? Never, it only happens in my dreams...

"I keep on telling you over and over again, I'm straight!" I said as I walk near where I park my bike.

"Yeah straight, when was that? I never saw you liking a girl for what? 21 years of our existence? But you keep convincing me you're straight! " Yeah I like someone and for 21 years already, you. But you will never know that.

"Because I am, May." I said when we finally found my bike at the bike stand near a vending machine. I suddenly remember that we forgot to drink anything at the Cafe and it'll ruin our throats later.

"You want a drink?" I took out my wallet and she quickly nodded pointing at the water bottle inside it.

I nodded and push the button, buying two for each of us. As I was getting our drinks, she was just leaning at the fence of the cafe looking up at the night sky.

" I really wonder if stars would someday loose it brightness..." She said out of the blue, smiling.

I got up when I finally have our drinks  and walk beside her. I place the water bottle on her cheek and she flinch because it was cold.


"Well it will in a mill--"

"Shut up, genius!" I chuckle, open the lid of the bottle and handed it to her. She drank it quickly still looking up the sky.

I also look up, admiring it, tonight there was so many stars, twinkling with different colors and lighting up the night. But I lower my head looking at something more beautiful than the night.

"It's so beautiful~" She said in a dreaming voice while leaning her head on my shoulder.

"You know what's more beautiful?" I asked that caught her attention and finally looked at me. I was staring at her showing my most sincere smile.

"Me?" Yes you.

"No, me! Look how beautiful I am?" I said making a handsome pose but she just slap me on my shoulder while also laughing at me.

"I thought you're going to complement me!"

"When was the last time I complemented you, huh?" everytime

That made her think and shut up for a moment then seconds later she slap me again and glaring at me.

"So much for a good friend!" ouch

She said walking I away from me. I was just smiling at her behind her back.

"Come on! Take me home already before I kill you!" She look at me while pointing to my bike arms cross to her chest.

"Yes your highness~" I walked towards her and then jokely bow in front of her. She just smack my head lightly, a little irritated.

"Why didn't you brought you car with you?" I asked getting my bike ready so that she could ride behind me.

"What? Can't a girl ride a bike at night?" She said irritated but hop on behind my back and put her arms around me holding lightly.

"Nevermind, looks like I'll be doing cardio all the way home since someone gain weight, AGAIN." Good thing I haven't start pedaling because she hit me so hard at my back, the bike wobble and I stand on my ground just in time before we almost collapse on concrete floor.

"Copter!" She scream and hold on me tightly which made me look back at her and saw how scared she was.

"Your fault." I said smiling at her, she just pout at me.


I just shook my head and laugh while beginning to pedal throught the cold night while feeling so warm being hugged by her.

What more could I asked for?


Thank you for reading kab~

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