Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

Are you going to tell me who you are?

Those were the words that kept repeating inside my head since the first time I read it. I sighed pulling my phone from my pocket and watched the video Bas sent me earlier.

Will you get mad at me when you know it's me?

"What are you watching, P'Kim?" Cop sat in front of me and I turn off my phone putting it down, smiling to him.

"Just corgi videos that a friend of mine sent to me. Have you had dinner yet?" He shook his head eyeing the food laid out in front of us. "Do you want to join me?"

His eyes sparkle when he hear my offer but then his smile faded as if he remembered something. "With all this food, aren't you expecting someone, P?"

Yes, I prepared all of these for you. "Not really, I just accidentally ordered a lot. Aren't they all look delicious?" I showed him the menu full of tasty dishes that the Culinary Arts Booth offers. "I don't think I can finish it all. So please be my guest."

I handed him a new set of chopsticks. At first, my angel was too shock to function but he eventually came back to his senses and finally accepted my request.

He was having a hard time deciding which dish he should try first so I ended his misery and put some pesto pasta and fish fillet on his plate. "I know you'll like this."

"How did you know that?" He looked at me arching his right eyebrow before taking a bite of the fish fillet.

"Uhh.... Tae told me." His eyes were studying my movements. "He saw me siting here and asked what am I doing here. Then I answered him that you texted me to meet you here so you can give me back my shirt..."

Half true, my angel did texted me. It caught me off guard that I almost injured myself with a dough cutter when I received it. He said that it was Bas who gave him my number. He's such a good friend, I'm going to hug him to moment I see him!

"Ohhh, that's why P'Tae texted me not to eat dinner. I thought he was giving me free food or something. Did he force you?"

"No! Of course not! I already order a lot before he saw me then he made a comment that I should invite you, since you like pesto pasta so much." Complete lie. When I got here I went straight to find Tae and asked him what food does my angel loves. He gave me a list and I ordered all of it.

I do know that he tricked me on buying a lot for their booth, cause this Freshmen Welcoming made every Representatives businessmen.

"Consider it as my turn to treat you." We ate peacefully while enjoying the cuisine Tae prepared for us. Tae made everything extra special since I promised to give their booth a huge tip afterwards.

"Did you sell all your cupcakes, P?" Cop said after taking a sip of cranberry juice.

"Huh uh, we didn't stop attracting customers on buying the cupcakes until all of it are sold out."

"I bet it wasn't hard since your cupcakes are sweet and flavorful. I know, I tried it myself." The smile he showed, gave me cavities than any of the sweets I ever made. This kid is bad for my sugar level!

"Thanks, Nong~"

After we finished our dinner, Cop's phone rang and he took it excusing himself. I nodded letting him answer his phone while I finished drinking my own cranberry juice.

I swear I tried not to eavesdrop but I can't help it, his happy expression made me very curious that I slowly lean in.

"Really they're premiering last year's movie production?"

I can't hear the voice of the person Cop was talking too but based on his excitement that person is telling him something about the last movie the Film Production Arts Department will be showing in their booth.

"Tell me you also bought me a ticket..... Really?! Yes! You're the best, May! Meet you here in 5 minutes!" Cop ended the call and looked at me with an apologetic smile. "Sorry, P'Kim I've been wanting to watch last year's production.... So can I....?"

Before he can asked I already gave my approval. He then joyfully placed a paper bag on the table."Thanks for lending it to me, kab."

I looked inside and saw my shirt neatly folded, There was also a soft scent of fabric soap coming from it. "No problem, it's my job to help you as your senior."

And as your future lover.


Thanks for reading kab~

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