Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

"Did you just call P'Kim Boss?"

I thought I saw Manager Amp's smile fade slightly but I guess it was just my imagination because he lightly chuckle when he heard my confuse question.

"Well Kim's a special customer to them." P'Tee answered beside me as Manager Amp opened the main door for us and we all came in.

Even though we will scout the whole area the Cafe is still open for business. The Cafe is jump-packed with people.  A lot of the actors and actress for the production have already ordered their own drinks and desserts. There are also some regular and new customers enjoying and relaxing on their own.

"Kab, he's been one of our first two customers since we opened the cafe." Based on Manager Amp's calming voice, he reminiscing a certain moment in his mind. Remembering something delicate and there's a lingering saddness that immediately faded..."Also, it's fun teasing him since he's very moody these days."

"Is he a regular customer here? Why didn't I see him often?" My mouth kept on spilling questions that my brain couldn't control.

"He only comes here when he either have time after exams or he's craving for his usual drink." Manager Amp guided us to the section of the Cafe where private events or gatherings were being held. There was a long table at the center and all the production crew have already gathered.

"By drink you mean a mango-graham shake, right?" Again, my mouth was faster than my brain.

Manager Amp stopped walking and looked at me, amazed. Even P'Tee was shocked releasing me from the hug, asking me slowly.

"How did you know that?" Shiiiiya I need to explain myself!

"I uhhhh... Saw him last week, talking with someone then your male server placed a Mango-Graham shake in front of him to his anger will subside..." Why do I sound like a stalker trying to defend myself from getting caught?

Manager Amp just nodded which ended our conversation. After we arrived he excused himself so he can attend a female customer's concern. While P'Tee sat to his own seat beside his brother and I sat beside him. He asked P'Tae to inform the actors outside that the meeting will start in a minute. But more importantly!

Did they believe me? Hayst! Well I can't blame them if they don't. If I heard from someone else that story I will also think that there's more to it. But I swear there's none! It's just a mere coincidence!

"Cop you ok?" Someone shook my shoulders and snap me out from thinking nonsense. May was seating beside me and from her expression I wasn't responding to her worrying. "You look shaken and both your ears are reddish."

May hold my face so my attention focuses on her. She softly creased my right cheek while checking the temperature of my forehead. "Are you sick? Do you want to go home?"

I can feel myself slowly calming down and my mind is at ease. I shook my head while smilling as response to her. She sure knows how to calm me down without her knowing.

I removed her hands from my face and held it. "It's just so hot outside that it kinda change my mood. I'm fine so don't worry, ok?"

She let out a sigh of relief then gave my hands a light squeeze. "Good cause I want us both to suffer this meeting together." It's good to hear her voice especially her complain, it made us both laugh. Sitting beside her makes me comfortable and energize.

"Well what are we waiting for? Why don't we start the meeting already?" Well someone's on a bad mood and I know who that is.

My eyes caught P'Kim's furious stare, it startled me so much I suddenly let go of May's hands and look back at him. I didn't noticed that he's across me. Can't he control his anger once in awhile?

"Yes Boss Kim. So as everyone know that this is the main setting of the production..." P'Tee began to discuss the scenes that will be shoot in this location. Since communication is the main key for this to work out and preventing my grades from failing, I also shared some of my insights but only when P'Tee ask for my opinion. I shown respect to everyone especially to our seniors. I'm still a freshman even though I was given a huge job to do so.

In the middle of the meeting Manager Amp joined our table but after he sat down next to P'Kim he whispered something to him that caught P's attention and his anger somewhat gone but flustered?

P'Kim is such a weird moody funny guy. Heh... Huh? Why am I smiling?


Updates when I'm not drowning (and dying) with college work so please wait for it 😁
Thanks for reading kab~

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